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Easy ways to encourage your teen to exercise

There is no doubt that today’s generation of teens and children would most probably idle around watching TV, playing video games and surfing the internet rather than indulging in physical activities. Such a sedentary lifestyle will place them at increased risks of being affected by obesity, diabetes, and heart diseases early in their lives. A few hours of exercise everyday on the other hand, can help him/her remain healthy, fit and energetic as he/she grows. So here are some pointers that would help you coax your teen to get up from that couch and start exercising for a healthier tomorrow.

Start with pep talks


Start by talking to your teen about the benefits of exercising and staying active. He/she would surely be able to understand what he/she stands to win and lose by exercising every day. These pep talks would give the boost he/she needs to get started. It would also help you identify potential barriers that might be stopping him/her from exercising. You can then help your teen overcome these barriers one by one and start him/her on the road to physical and mental fitness.

Start exercising slowly

 girl excercising in gym

If your teen is new to exercising, even a half hour routine would tire him/her out. So consider starting from a very small scale and then building up the momentum as your teen starts getting used to the exercises. For instance, start with a 10 minute walk and gradually increase it to 15, 20 and then 30 minutes. This would both help keep your teen motivated and help him/her achieve desirable results in an efficient manner. Make sure you praise and encourage your teen for every extra step that he/she remains motivated to continue exercising.

Draw limits and set boundaries

 lady playing video game

Sometimes, it may take a little bit more than simple persuading to get your teen to start exercising. Setting certain rules, limits and boundaries to activities like watching TV, surfing the internet and playing video games would definitely help your teen remain more focused on getting healthy and active. You can choose to restrict these activities for certain times of the day and allow access only if he/she teen finishes exercising for that day. You can also set reward points in the form of extra TV or play time for every 15 minutes extra added to his/her workout routine. This would easily motivate him/her to exercise every day.

Increase options to include fun options

 chair yoga_ chair yoga

Monotonous workout routines tend to become boring after some time. Keep your teen interested in the exercise program by offering a whole lot of other fun options like backyard sports, swimming or yoga, etc. to follow. You can also check for other recreational options like outdoor camping, hiking bird watching, dancing, gymnastic and martial arts, etc. These activities would help generate an interest in your teen to exercise more, making the workouts fun and enjoyable in the process.

Get your teen interested in sports

runner massaging

Encourage your teen to participate actively in the sports he/she enjoys no matter how small or large they may be. While competitive sports are considered very good alternatives to home exercises, you can encourage your teen to opt for simpler sports like running, swimming and cycling if he/she does not prefer the former.

Practice what you preach

bike rides

In addition to offering your teen plenty of support to exercise, you need to ensure that you practice what you preach beforehand. Asking your teen to exercise while you remain idle at home is in no way, going to encourage him/her to get off that couch. If you want him/her to adopt a healthier lifestyle, then you need to do the same yourself. That means exercising with him/her at every given opportunity. While you don’t need to actually do all the rigorous exercises he/she does, a game of tennis, a football match or a bike ride around town will benefit both of you tremendously.


Getting a teen to get off the couch and start exercising is no easy task. Hopefully, the tips mentioned above would be of immense help when you try to coax your teen into exercising regularly.

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