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Does coffee consumtion raise high blood pressure?

If you are worrying over the fact that your coffee consumption is affecting your BP, it’s time to cheer up! Coffee lovers can now drink unlimited cups of coffee and without worrying about the risks of high blood pressure according to a study. On the other hand, it was found that people who drank less coffee were sensitive to high blood pressure.

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It was said earlier that the caffeine in the coffee causes a spike in the blood pressure. But it seems that regular consumers of caffeine develop a tolerance to it – and as a result, caffeine doesn’t have a long-term effect on their blood pressure. According to an article in Mayoclinic , researchers suggest that caffeine narrows blood vessels by blocking the effects of adenosine, a hormone that helps keep them widened. Caffeine may also stimulate the adrenal gland to release more cortisol and adrenaline, which cause your blood pressure to increase.

The findings come from an 11-year follow-up of nearly 6,400 Dutch men and women who were 40 years old, on average and found that light coffee drinkers were more likely to develop high blood pressure than either non-drinkers or heavier consumers, with other health factors considered.
There are ways to avoid high blood pressure which is a major risk factor for other serious conditions such as heart failure and stroke. Follow them and don’t forget to drink your coffee while it’s hot!



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