Diverticulosis diet

Corn Diet

Doctors advise diverticulosis patients to maintain a healthy diverticulitis diet to prevent the disease from getting worse.

Diverticulitis Diet

Diverticulitis diet is also known as low residue diet. The diet plan includes consumption of low fiber food items on regular basis. It helps in decreasing the volume of inflammation in the immune system. Gut is able to rest as fiber helps the bowel in moving.

Vegetables and fruits that contain low level of fiber should be included in your diverticulitis diet. Carrots, yellow beans, cabbage, green beans, cauliflower and cabbage are some of the vegetables which can be consumed without worrying. Skinless baked potato can prove effective for people suffering from diverticulitis. From the fruit’s category, you can include banana, grape, peach, watermelon and cantaloupe in your diverticulitis diet.

Here is a list of food items to avoid when having diverticulitis diet:
1.    Corn
2.    Prunes
3.    Red beans
4.    Nuts
5.    Lima beans
6.    Cherries

How diverticulitis diet works?

Diverticulitis diet ensures that the patient’s body receives low quantity of fiber. Fibrous vegetables and fruits contain fiber elements which are difficult to digest. Diverticulitis diet allows colon to remain stress free by lowering the pressure to gut. A patient heals when low pressure is put on the colon.

Diverticulitis diet makes the gut work properly. It reduces the symptoms of divertucolosis rapidly.  With the right combination of breakfast, lunch and dinner you can help yourself in getting rid of this vulnerable disease.

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