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Coffee and health: What the research has to say?



Coffee is an all time energy dispenser. People are so much addicted to coffee as it provides instant relief from mental stress, thereby making them feel fresh and energetic.

What the research says?

The studies have something else to say, it states that coffee has much more power than juts its energy-boosting caffeine ingredient. Coffee drinkers might also be benefited with the cancer-preventing as well as depression-lowering outcomes. Well this implies only if you are consuming coffee in moderate amount, excessive amount of anything can have harmful effects. And excessive coffee consumption can give rise to cardiovascular problems, such as augmented heart rate or blood pressure as well as unbalanced heartbeat. The biggest issue is that one can become addictive to caffeine. The underling fact still remains that good over rules the bad, all you needs is to be considerate enough to consume everything in moderate amounts and not to forget that you avoid calorie-heavy stuffs such as cream and sugar.

Isn’t it strange that coffee that was once considered as a health threat is offering benefits given the fact that you are consuming coffee “in moderation?” So was the case earlier with alcohol and chocolate and this time with coffee. Various study results from the year 2004 and 2005 propose that coffee is in fact good for us. However, you can’t coffee completely depend on coffee.

The antioxidants in Coffee provide certain amount of cardiovascular protection and have the likelihood reducing the developing diabetes, which is a main risk factor for heart diseases. Coffee at the same time also increases the levels of homocysteine thereby causing a negative impact on aorta. Usually, when you study a risk factor carefully, the results tend to flick back and forth as it always highlights some negligible damage or gain.

Benefits of drinking coffee in moderation

Listed below are some of the positive benefits of coffee:

Blood pressure

It is a true fact that having a cup of coffee can trigger your blood pressure levels temporarily. Nevertheless, long-term study results state that over a period of time coffee doesn’t augment the high blood pressure risk that was considered earlier. There is a possibility of people generating tolerance to the hypertensive effects of coffee after sometime.


It is said that coffee possess anti-cancer properties. A research conducted recently states that people drinking coffee are 50% less likely to develop liver cancer in comparison to nondrinkers. Some studies have also related coffee with the lesser rates of colon, breast, and rectal cancers. Studies also state that decaffeinated and caffeinated coffee tend to develop diverse health effects.


Kahweol and cafestol are the two substances present in coffee that have the capacity to elevate the cholesterol levels. Paper filters can detain these substances, but a lot of people who go for non-filtered coffee drinks, such as lattes are not benefited. Research also has highlighted an association among increase in cholesterol levels and decaffeinated coffee. This is mainly because of the kind of bean utilized to prepare some decaffeinated coffees.


People who are heavily addicted to coffee drinkers are less likely to develop diabetes in comparison to light or nondrinkers. Coffee might include components that have tendency to bring down the level of blood sugar. A daily coffee habit possibly will also augment the rate of resting metabolism, thereby helping you to keep diabetes at a distance.


People who drink coffee more frequently have lower risk to suffer from a disease called symptomatic gallstone. This is mainly because coffee has the capability of altering the content of cholesterol that the liver produces.

Parkinson’s disease

It seems that coffee offers more protection to men than women against the Parkinson’s disease. The possible clarification for this question is that caffeine and estrogen require similar enzymes to metabolize, and estrogen has the capacity of capturing those enzymes.

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