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Bird flu knocking at Alaska's door

Waterfowl, Shorebirds and Songbirds are arriving in the Alaska Peninsula, the Yukon Delta and the westernmost Aleutian Islands to begin mating. More than 40 species of waterfowl and shorebirds are considered susceptible to infection by H5N1.

Species migrating from Asia considered the most likely carriers of the H5N1 virus. $29 million surveillance program started to collect the sample of 100,000 birds. 15,000 to 20,000 will be collected in Alaska alone. There is an early warning system for poultry producers and health officials in the lower 48 states.

The plan says that migrating wild birds are most likely carrier. Several biologists and volunteers will gather at each of the more than 50 camps in Alaska. They will test living birds, those dead from unknown causes and hunter-killed birds in Alaska. At least 200 birds from each sample population are needed to detect the virus accurately.


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