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Best diet foods

Handful of almonds

Do you want to follow a diet that may help you in keeping your body healthy and lean? Most people would answer “yes”. For such individuals, we have prepared a list of top Best Diet Foods. You may opt for these diet foods if you are a health oriented person. The best diet foods must be included in your daily diet plan if you want to develop healthy eating habits.


They contain 24mg vitamin E per 100g. Almonds also contain monounsaturated fats that help in lowering LDL cholesterol. Almond flour is an excellent option as it is gluten free. It is a cancer preventing food item.


It is a source to gain fiber and complex carbs. It helps in lowering blood cholesterol. You may opt for rolled oats or oat bran. Oatmeal porridge contains calories and vitamin B.

Fat Free Dairy Products

Sour cream, milk, cheese, cream cheese and yogurt are available in the category of low fat or fat free dairy products. These items also lower LDL cholesterol level. These items prevent several diseases such as obesity and hypertension.

Lean Meat

It is a good source to obtain vitamin B and protein. It helps the body’s metabolism to improve. You may opt for chicken breast, beef cuts, pork products and turkey cutlets. You can grill, bake, roast or broil the lean meat.


It is the best option to gain protein. It also contains vitamin A, riboflavin, vitamin D, vitamin B6, iron, vitamin B12, calcium, potassium and phosphorus. You may boil or fry the egg according to your choice.


They are rich in water, vitamin C and fiber. You may eat it plain or make its juice or shake. Fruits prevent a lot of diseases such as colon cancer, lung cancer and high blood pressure. All fruits are excellent choices for anyone.

Olive Oil

When it comes to oil, there is nothing better than Olive Oil. It has no harms to the human body. It contains monounsaturated fat that reduces risk of coronary heart diseases. Olive oil is heart healthy product.

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