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Beans: Healthy man’s meat



Beans are popularly known as the “poor man’s meat” but considering the numerous health benefits they offer, it would not be wrong to call them the “Healthy man’s meat”. Not only are the beans beneficial for our skin and hair but they also have cholesterol-lowering and cancer-preventing properties.

Read through the article to know the benefits of beans.

1. Prevent and reduce the risk of cancer

Beans are one of the best sources of anti-oxidants like flavonoids such as kaempferol and 
quercetin. Studies suggest a decrease in growth of cancer cells due to these flavonoids. Many other studies have shown a positive correlation of regular intake of beans with decrease in risk of cancers especially breast cancer.

2. Friend of your heart

Beans are a very good source of soluble fiber which help in reducing LDL or ‘Bad’ Cholestrol levels. They also contain significant amount of folic acid and Vitamin B6 which are helpful in controlling levels of Homocysteine-an amino acid, elevated levels of which signal increased risk of heart attacks.

3. High in protein and low in calories

For a healthy skin and luscious mane, proteins are the best way to attain. Beans are probably the best sources of proteins after meat. However, as compared to other protein sources, they supply high amount of proteins for the same amount of calories.

4. Keep the joints healthy

Including small amount of the beans in your salad or raw vegetables can fulfill almost 19 percent of your daily requirement of Vitamin K. Studies indicate that deficiency in Vitamin K is usually associated with higher rate of osteoarthiritis of hands and knees. Vitamin K is also essential in clotting of blood.

5. Fight diabetes

The fiber, which is present in the beans in ample quantities, is also known to lower blood sugar levels in blood. Hence including beans in your diet can be good way of preventing or even fighting off diabetes.

6. Find relief from your PMS

Some women suffer from the menstrual cramps and mood swings as part of the pre-menstrual syndrome. However, it has been found in a clinical trial that high consumption of manganese mineral can help in fighting of these symptoms. And many varities of beans are healthy sources of this mineral.

7. Prevent anemia

As mentioned beans are a very good source of anti-oxidants among which Vitamin C is one of them. Not only it is required by the body for making collagen but also helps in absorption of iron from the food.

It is never too late. Switch to more beans in your diet and see the healthy results.



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