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Anti fungal diet

Woman cooking vegetables in kitchen

Anti Fungal Diet has changed the life of numerous people around the globe. It is like a cleansing formula that removes fungus content from the human body. The diet works efficiently if the dieter eats within the guidelines.

Foods to Include in Anti Fungal Diet

Vegetables  Dieters are allowed to include all the vegetables which are low in starch. Leafy green vegetables are the best option for you in this category. Beets and carrots are rich in sugar so they must be avoided.
Whole Grains – Amaranth, quinoa, and millet are excellent to include.

Lean Meat  Organic chicken, turkey, and wild fish are best to eat from this category. It is important to consume meat as a purely vegetarian diet is not the ideal solution to remove fungus from your body. You may eat the above-mentioned meat options in a moderate amount.

Fruits Limes, lemons, berries, green apples and grapefruit must be consumed in a moderate manner.

Foods to Avoid in Anti Fungal Diet

Processed Foods
 You are not allowed to eat any kind of processed foods because they are rich in starch and sugar.

Dieters are recommended to avoid eating processed and wheat grain foods such as cookies, pastries, bread, etc.

Vinegar tends to boost yeast activity so it must be eliminated from your diet menu.

The bottom line is to avoid consuming foods that are rich in starch and sugar. You must stay on a diet that is rich in fiber as it helps in improved bowel functioning. You can gain increased fiber intake by consuming more and more vegetables and whole grains.

Dieters are recommended to sacrifice their favorite foods such as burgers, French fries, pizzas, ready to eat foods, and carbonated drinks. All these foods are the main cause of the development of fungus inside the human body. Without exclusion of these foods, you cannot get rid of fungus while being on Anti Fungal Diet.

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