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10 Supplements for men

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In today’s world of stress and strenuous work environment, we often ignore the saying “Health is Wealth”. Along with a proper workout regime, a man also needs the right nutrition to keep his mind and body in a healthy state. But often the nutritional value of the freshest fruits and vegetables gets lost either with the way how we prepare our food, or how they are stored. So it is advisable to take nutritional supplements.

One can find health supplements in many forms that contain multivitamins, minerals and antioxidants, but choosing the best one from the many on a pharmacy shelf can be confusing. So here are the ten supplements that a man should be looking for. But take prior recommendation from a health expert or doctor.

1. Boron

Boron is a mineral found in abundance in raisins and almonds. It has anti-cancer properties, which makes it a cancer fighter; and the deficiency of this element leads to prostate cancer in man. A daily dietary consumption of three milligrams of boron helps increase concentration and memory. So, take boron containing supplements to improve your mental health, and to keep your prostate healthy and cancer free.

2. Calcium

Calcium is a mineral required by the body for building and maintaining strong bones and teeth. It also helps in weight loss in overweight people. Osteoporosis, a disease of bones in which the bone mineral density is reduced leading to brittle bones, is quite common in aged people. Deficiency of calcium can lead to the development of osteoporosis even at an early age. The daily dietary requirement for men is 1000 milligram, while a dosage of 1200 milligram is recommended.

3. Vitamin E

Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant which helps in restoring cell damage and thus arrests the aging process. It also has anti-cancer properties, and is good for your eyes. It protects your heart from many diseases. Long-term and high-dose intake of vitamin E helps in fighting Alzheimer’s disease. Vitamin E also helps in recovering muscle damage resulting from heavy workouts.

4. Saw Palmetto

Dihydrotestosterone or DHT is a male sex hormone, and when over produced causes hair loss in men leading to baldness. Saw Palmetto is clinically proven to be effective in reducing DHT production in men, thus is used in treating male pattern baldness. The daily recommended dosage is 200 milligram.

5. Chromium Picolinate

When proper nutrition is not taken, blood sugar levels fluctuate and this can be unhealthy if a man is carrying out a heavy workout in a gym, or is involved in a strenuous physical activity. Chromium picolinate enhances insulin sensitivity and insulin efficiency to optimal levels, and helps in maintaining proper blood sugar level. It increases muscle mass and reduces fat. So, to get your six packed abs, the daily requirement is 400 mcg.

6. Coenzyme Q10 or Co Q10

This compound is produced naturally by the body. It is a natural energizer and improves the functioning of muscle cells. Co Q10 helps in carrying oxygen in blood vessels for energy production. It is a powerful remedy in fighting chronic fatigue syndrome in men and is often termed as the miracle compound. The recommended daily intake of Co Q10 is 100 mg to 150 mg.

7. Green tea

Green tea contains epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), a powerful antioxidant which increases the body’s metabolic rate thus keeping the body fat content low. Thermogenesis, a process which generates heat in warm-blooded animals, can be stimulated by EGCG to increase fat oxidation thus helping to burn body fat. Daily intake of three to four cups of green tea is advised. If taken orally in tablet or capsule form, 240 mg to 300 mg is the recommended dosage.

8. Ginkgo Biloba

Ginkgo Biloba is a nutrient that is good for the brain. It helps oxygen rich blood to reach the brain cells leading to improved brain cell activity, making your brain to function more smoothly. This makes your memory recollection becomes smoother. Overall, you become smarter if you take ginkgo biloba; and the recommended daily dosage is 180 milligrams to 220 milligrams.

9. Selenium

Selenium is a powerful antioxidant. It restores cellular damage and protects the body from various carcinogens thus helping in keeping cancers at bay. It boosts the immune system and is useful in treating anxiety, depression and stress. It is chiefly found in protein rich foods and nuts. The recommended daily dosage of selenium is 200 mcg.

10. Fish oil

Fish oil is a food for the brain as much as it is a food for the entire body. It improves concentration and memory and is useful in fighting depression. It also protects the heart and reduces inflammation. It prevents cancer and maintains a healthy glowing skin.

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