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10 Nutritious Power Food

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Having a balanced diet is very important for good health. A balanced diet helps us to be active and live a long healthy life. But we are too busy to don’t pay attention to our diet. We tend to eat anything irrespective of its ingredients and nutritional value. Here is a list of nutritious food items which will give your body enough nutrients and make you fit and healthy.

1. Beans

Low in fat and high in carbohydrates and proteins, beans form an important part of a vegetarian diet. Regular intake of beans in our diet helps in reducing the risk of heart diseases and cholesterol, hence it increases our longevity. Also as they are rich in fiber they help in digestion. Beans are rich in soluble fiber it controls the insulin level and it is very useful for diabetic patients. It is rich in certain chemicals like protease inhibitors and phytoestrogens which prevent breast and prostate cancer.

2. Pumpkin

Pumpkin is rich in a lot of vitamins like vitamin A, C, K, and E and minerals like magnesium, potassium and iron, and other fibers and anti-oxidants. It is one of the power food you have to watch out for. The seeds called as pepitas of this veggie are very nutritious. They are power packed with minerals and seem to have an anti-inflammatory effect. Studies have shown that they also help to protect against prostrate cancer and osteoporosis.

3. Tea

Tea is known as nature’s wonder drug. It helps in lowering cholesterol level, preventing blood clots, and it also helps in stimulating the immune system. Tea also includes a variety of vitamins and minerals that help in delaying aging process, controlling blood pressure and it also helps in fighting any viral or bacterial infection.

4. Mushrooms

Actually a fungi, mushrooms are commonly used in soups, salads, sandwiches, etc. It is a well known fact that mushrooms contain 80-90% water. They are also an excellent source of potassium, which helps in lower high blood pressure. One serving of mushroom provides 20-40 percent of the daily requirement of copper which has good for a healthy heart.

5. Whole grains

A grain is whole when the entire seed is retained. Examples of whole grain include rice, oatmeal, brown rice, barley, wheat, etc. The soluble fiber, present in barley prevents the absorption of cholesterol in bloodstream. Also eating one serving of whole grains prevents high blood pressure. So start with your daily serving of whole grains.

6. Salmon

People who eat fish, immune themselves from a lot of illnesses. The reason is the presence of omega 3 in salmon. This omega 3 reduces the inflammation in our body. It also helps us to protect from many diseases including diabetes, some types of cancer, and arthritis. It also helps in preventing blood clots which is the major cause of strokes. Research has shown that omega 3 has the potential to slow down age related diseases like Alzheimer and it also helps in reducing aggression.

7. Avocados

Avocados help in prevention of cancer specially breast cancer and prostate cancer. As it contains nutrients like vitamin K, vitamin B6, vitamin C and copper, it is considered as one of the most nutritious fruit. It also contains oleic acid that helps to decrease monounsaturated fats, hence it lowers cholesterol. It also helps in regulating blood pressure.

8. Pomegranate

There are innumerable benefits of pomegranate. It fights breast cancer, prevents lung cancer and slows down the spreading of prostrate cancer. It also protects the neonatal brain from damage after injury, prevents osteoarthritis and prevents the formation of plaque in arteries. It is also useful for many dental problems, it lowers blood pressure and cholesterol level in the body. Studies have also shown that it helps in fighting Alzheimer.

9. Olive Oil

Easily digestible and absorbed in the system, olive oil is very healthy unlike any other oil. It is because it contains high content of high mono unsaturated fatty acids. Research has shown that it prevents heart disease by controlling bad cholesterol level and raising HDL, a good cholesterol. It has a good effect on ulcers and gastritis.

10. Dark Chocolate

Made from plants, dark chocolate contains many nutrients which are found in dark vegetables. These benefits come from flavonoids, which act as anti-oxidants. These anti-oxidants prevent the skin from aging. Also the flavonoids produce nitric oxide that control high blood pressure, cholesterol, and balance the hormones.

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