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10 Healthy and tasty breakfast ideas

Healthy breakfast means healthy day

When you wake up in the morning and find time slipping fast out of your hands, and a lot of things need to be done, you tend to avoid your breakfast or at the best, remembering grandma’s lessons that breakfast is an important meal of the day, you quickly eat a bagel with cream cheese or a muffin or sausages and eggs or something like that. While these processed foods instantly fill up your stomach and you feel full, they are not breakfast, the first meal of day, in a real sense. The reason is that they are high in refined flour, sugar, and fats and low or zero in nutrition value. They have filled up your stomach and they have peaked up your glycemic index, only to make you hungry very soon. By the time you reach to your workplace your blood sugar levels are dangerously low and all you want to do is to quickly eat some finger food, maintaining the decorum of your professional life which is again high in calories and low in nutrition. To break this viscious cycle you need to reschedule your day a bit. Just get up 15-20 minutes earlier and prepare yourself a nutritious and healthy, easily cooked meal. Here we are with 10 ideas for you to quickly stir up 10 healthy breakfasts in the wee hours of morning:

1. Oatmeal with nuts and fruits

cereals like oatmeal is a great option.
Oatmeal is a great food to start your day with. Low in calorie and high on iron and minerals, its a filling dish. Steel cut oatmeal is the best choice to start your day with but if you are short on time then the instant packets of oatmeal will also do. For adding extra fiber and nutrition into your oatmeal you can also add almonds, flax seed, and raisins. If you are using steel cut oatmeal, adding a bit of honey and cinnamon powder is a good idea so that you get a power punch in the morning full of protein, fiber, iron, and minerals. Easy to cook and very delicious indeed.

2. Tofu

Scrambled tofu is in fact much more healthier than scrambled eggs. Eggs are high in protein and cholesterol but tofu is all about high protein. You can add onions, green peppers, cauliflower, and other vegetables and can spice it up with soy sauce and spices. Stir fry them in olive oil and voila your breakfast is ready. You can eat scrambled tofu with whole grain bread to balance protein and carbs, and start your day with a healthy meal.

3. Yogurt with berries and granola

yogurt and granola
You can make a healthy and filling mix with the help of low-fat yogurt, some cereal like oatmeal and some fruits like strawberries. For a change you can also make soy yogurt. That also makes a healthy and filling breakfast. Sometimes just to make your breakfast richer and for treating yourself, you can also add nuts like almonds, raisins, etc.

4. Bread, butter and fruit

One of the quickest and delicious breakfast is toast topped with butter. For making it healthier you can use peanut butter or almond butter. For packing this protein and cereal rich breakfast with vitamins you can eat some fruit along with it like grapes. You can sprinkle a bit of sugar on your grapefruit as well.

5. A glass of fruit smoothie

Fruit Smoothie
In a cup of low-fat yogurt, add strawberries, kiwis, banana, and a teaspoon of ground flax seeds along with a cup of crushed ice. Blend them well in a blender and you are good to go with your healthy breakfast.

6. Quinoa porridge

Quinoa porridge
Quinoa has high nutritional value and is packed with protein, calcium, minerals, iron, and many other nutrients. It has a nutty taste and its porridge can be made easily. Take a cup of milk and quinoa and bring them to boil. You can add maple syrup, cinnamon, and vanilla extract for taste and flavor.

7. Eggs with toast

Eggs are also filling and make a nutritious breakfast. Egg whites are fat free and are a healthier option. You can scramble eggs with a bit of olive oil, capsicum, onions, black pepper, and salt. Now this can be eaten with toast.

8.Cottage cheese and fruits

Cheese and fruits
Scramble cottage cheese with olive oil and add onions, peppers, tomatoes, and seasoning. For that buttery taste you can add a bit of milk and cook it for 5 minutes. Now spread this cheese on wholegrain toast and enjoy a healthy breakfast. You can eat fruits along with it like bananas, apples, etc.

9. Whole wheat muffin and juice

For making this muffin, toast it and spread a thin layer of cottage cheese, now top it with pineapple. Combine muffins with a glass of fruit juice.

10. Breakfast burrito

Scramble a couple of eggs and add chopped tomatoes and a bit of grated cheese, wrap this in a whole wheat tortilla and your breakfast burrito is done. You can combine this with tea or coffee.

As you make these healthy breakfasts you will come across many new ideas mixing and matching few things from this list and by following your imagination. So, no more unhealthy breakfasts, break your fast with these tasty and healthy breakfast ideas.

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