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Solar-powered Bibles for Haiti earthquake victims

solarpowered bibles

12 January 2010 left Haiti in shock. An earthquake struck the most populated area of the country leaving as many as 3 million people affected and taking lives of more than 200,000 people. Standing by the earthquake victims at their hour of need are several aid agencies, doing their bit for them. A U.S. faith-based group sending Bibles to Haitians and not just any Bibles, they are sending solar-powered audible Bibles that can broadcast the Holy Scriptures in Haitian Creole to 300 people at a time.

The Faith Comes By Hearing group strongly believe that it is responding to the Haitian crisis by providing faith, hope and love through God’s Word in audio. The Albuquerque-based organization has already sent 600 of the devices that they call the ‘Proclaimer’. This audio Bible device is specially designed keeping in mind the poor and illiterate people. The Proclaimer is a self-powered audio Bible that delivers digital quality and can be played just about anywhere. Let’s pray that God be with Haiti’s earthquake victims at this hour of grief and bless them with hope and comfort.

Via: STV

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