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Treatment of Alcoholism: The Next Step After Therapy

Treatment of Alcoholism

Therapy for people addicted to alcohol teaches not only what the disease itself is. He largely focuses on living sober and taking care of his development. Contrary to appearances, the most difficult stage begins just after the end of addiction treatment, when patients have to get used to a new life, fighting with themselves every day. What should be remembered at this time?

For many people, quitting drinking is just the beginning. After making a decision, there is a void in the addict’s life that must be filled in some way. To do this, it is worth getting interested in new activities or returning to activities that were fun before you started drinking. It is also very important to take care of your mental health. The key is to deal with stress and everyday problems without using stimulants.

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Satisfaction with life also largely contributes to the maintenance of sobriety, both on the professional, family and social level. The patient should avoid all situations related to the consumption of alcohol. This is especially important in the early stages after the end of therapy. You may need to cut yourself off completely from company you have drunk with before.

What should you not give up?

Attending A.A. meetings is one way you can stay sober. Even when we feel the Alcohol treatment is over and we are feeling well, constant contact with sober alcoholics can prove crucial in situations of doubt. It is also good to have telephone numbers for at least a few people in the AA community who can help and support us when needed. It is also useful to use diaries that record your current mental states.

What should be avoided?

The key point for any sober alcoholic should be to avoid so-called triggers. These are all situations that could in any way trigger an alcoholic craving. Speech incl. about characteristic places, people, anniversaries, and emotions. It is very important to avoid situations in which we feel hungry, thirsty, angry, lonely and tired. These conditions are conducive to relapses of the disease. In the initial period after the end of therapy, it is good to carry a bottle of water and snacks with you, thanks to which we will quickly get rid of at least some of the above-mentioned conditions. The patient should also avoid contact with any products in which alcohol is present. I am talking about various types of cosmetics and sweets.

Addicts who have made a decision to live sober must also be prepared for the fact that over the years their willpower may weaken and they will feel a desire to drink alcohol. By allowing this thought to yourself, you will be better prepared for the situation. In this case, it will be important to quickly identify warning signals and take immediate action – contact with another sober alcoholic, resuming therapy or psychological help.

Resources: Cirque Lodge

Article Submitted By Community Writer

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