Super automatic coffeemaker from DeLonghi

gran dama super automatic coffee machine

This coffee maker is Called the Gran Dama Super Automatic Coffee Maker from DeLonghi. It gives other professional coffee makers a run for their money with it cool features and a refreshingly compact design. Even with super professional features, it can fit into your kitchen with finesse and compact convenience. All you have to do is adapt to ‘touch the button’ phenomenon and the maker will churn out the coffee of your choice with your specifications, like the adjustable cup specification, so that nothing goes waste. It is also capable of making tea and hot chocolate kind of drinks, thanks to its hot water spout. It also features direct-to-brew system, integrating a grinder for that special coffee. It has been made of steel to give it durability, so that it has the ability to cope up with day today rigorous kitchen activities. To make things all the more easier, it has an automatic decalcification indicator light, turning on when its time to do the cleaning. Available from DeLonghi’s online store, it wears the price tag of $2,500.

Via: Coolhunting

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