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How to prepare yourself to answer those difficult questions from your kid

answer those difficult questions from your kid

As your child starts growing up, he/she would probably start asking you many difficult questions you would need to find answers. You would need to frame your answers in such a way that they are neither too complex for him/her to understand nor too blunt to hurt him/her. So how do you go about answering these questions? Here are some simple tips to help you.

Questions about Death

The death of a loved one in the family would surely have your kids asking about it. Instead of beating around the bush, be plain and direct in your answers. Try to correlate the incident with other absences like dead flowers not blooming again or dead bees not flying again etc.

Try to explain it through stories that you read to your kids. Dispel misconceptions that only wicked people die and that death is reversible as shown in movies and cartoon shows so that your child does not get any wrong ideas about death.

Questions about Sex

“Where do babies come from?” Your kid would most probably ask this question when he/she is around 2-3 years old. So how do you go about answering this one? Simple, be brief and factual. Simply reply that babies grow inside a special place in their mother’s body called the uterus. Also, explain that the baby would come out of a birth passage.

If your kid prods further about how babies come into being, simply state that they take form when a cell from the mother’s body and a cell from the father’s body unite.

Questions about Divorce

Your kids would definitely be upset about a divorce although they may not know about it in detail. Be straightforward in dealing with their questions when you reveal that one of you would be going away forever. If you have two or more kids, break the news to them at the same time so that they can comfort each other.

If they ask you “why,” you can explain by stating that you are finding it hard to live together and it would be best if both you and your spouse lived separately after this. Explain that even though you are separating, you would continue to love them as always. Indicate that you would visit them often and would never forget them. Be honest in and do not give any indirect answers that would mislead them into thinking that you (or your spouse) would return after some time.


Your child would most probably start asking some pretty difficult and uncomfortable questions as he/she grows up. Although you cannot refrain from answering these questions, you can consider these tips to answer their queries in a simple, honest manner.

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