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Malama Learning Center gains international recognition for green construction

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Conferred with the Future Education award at the World Architectural Festival in November last year in Barcelona, Spain, the Malama Learning Center will bring the canons of sustainable architecture to Hawaii. Seeking to blend various learning practices viz. art, science, culture and conservation, the venue, next to Kapolei High School, will also be a home to The Nature Conservancy.

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Flaunting vertical garden, green roof insulation, a native plant nursery, a 400-seat theater, teaching facilities and working laboratories, the conservation learning center will adequately allow the local firm Eight Inc. to line its green construction practices.

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There is no set curriculum. The building will teach kids and adults about the environment with interactive displays… This will be a new direction for architecture in Hawaii… We are pushing people into a different time.

Says Mark Little, a principal of Eight.

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Via: HawaiiBusiness

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