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Irresistible habits that stop us from going green

woman in leather boots

With our growing awareness about the damage caused by our activities to the planet and about the benefits of going green, most of us try our best to go green and lessen our impact on the environment. However, despite of the various efforts we take to go green, here are some habits that are not clean and are difficult to control.

Paper Files:

Even after various technological developments such as online banking, we are still caught up in our old habit of filing bills when it comes to receipts, bills, work, pets and even our life. One can find all the unnecessary hard copies of tax related documents, invoices and also other useless receipts and other proofs.

Leather Goods:

Despite of the various harms caused to animal life because of the great value of their hide and fur, the demands of various accessories like the leather boots such as thigh high, equestrian, chunky heeled and wedged have been considerably increasing day by day.

The leather jackets are in a great demand these days. Although the fleece and hemp are a much better option to look at, while at the same time by being green, they are not considered as important as the goods made from animal hides. These leather items cause a large amount of destruction to the environment.

Gas in the Tank:

The habit of filling the vehicle tanks with fuels is very hard to be broken. Many people find it very difficult to stop filling their machines and to stop driving in at such places where the vehicle is not at all needed. For the mere reason of being tired or feeling lazy unnecessary use of vehicles in places such as schools, late night parties, camping or sport trips and other places which can be easily accessed without the need of a vehicle.

Non-recycled Tissues:

The making of paper from trees has led to the maximum environmental deterioration as innumerable trees are cut just to make a few bunches of tissue papers. Not using recycled tissue is also a habit that prohibits us from going green. Paper products have become necessary in our daily life and many of us do not even bother to know where they come from.

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