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Insanely dedicated people with some of the weirdest collections

Jian Yang

zzzz<![CDATA[Hobbyist and collectors around the globe have a variety of passions. Some are regarded as simple while others insane. The dedication to carry on collecting for years together is worth appreciating.

Craig Robinson: Football Player Figures

Image Source : Synergy-Sponsorship.Com

Football fans from around the world have crazy obsessions. A 27-year-old crazy football fan named Craig Robinson has amassed a huge collection of football player figurines. He has a massive 5,000 of these tiny figures. Popularly known as ‘little big heads’, all placed in a four storey terrace in Robinson’s bedroom. Craig’s collection is now estimated to be worth more than $40,000, the collection has every football player figurine ever made.

Ryan Beitz: VHS copies of speed

Image Source : Metro.Us

He simply thinks that it would be cool to have the greatest collection of VHS tapes of the movie-‘Speed’. Ryan doesn’t even care about how many copies he has and neither does he takes care of these. These uncounted VHS tapes are simply stacked at the back of Ryan’s van.

Jian Yang: over 9,000 Dolls

Jian Yang

Image Source : akm-img-a-in.tosshub.com

Yang is the director of strategy at a company in Singapore and loves to collect dolls. This 33-year-old collector has collection of more than 9,000 dolls, excess of 6,000 of which are Barbie dolls. Jian has shed more than $38,000 on his collection over a period of 20 years.

Eric Ducharme: Custom made Mermaid Tails

Image Source : Tugentelatina.Com

Eric’s fascination for the mermaids began at age 16, when he dressed up like a mermaid prince for a mermaid show in Florida. Ducharme says that he thinks about the mermaids all the time and dresses up like a merman and takes a dip in the springs of Florida. His craze for the mermaids have made him set up his own enterprise called Mertailor which makes Mermaid tails from different materials such as latex and silicone. Eric has decent collection of latex Mermaid tails.

Paul Brockman: Dresses for his wife

Image Source : Scpr.Org

Margot is indeed one of the luckiest women on the planet, her husband Paul has gifted her 55,000 dresses until date. Since Margot was not a shopping freak, Paul selected and bought the dresses on his own. Surprisingly, many of the dresses in the vast collection were not even worn by Margot. Paul Brockman lives in California and is German by birth. Paul’s obsession to see his wife in a different dress whenever they went to dance at the ballroom made him shop for so many of them.

These insanely dedicated people have a will to carry on collecting the articles as they derive satisfaction out of it.

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