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How to Reach your First 10k followers on Instagram fast (2023)

How to Reach your First 10k followers on Instagram fast (2023)

Instagram is a powerful platform for people to reach a large audience, engage with them, and build relationships. With its ever-growing user base, it is becoming one of the most popular social media channels for businesses and influencers to reach potential customers or followers. Reaching the first 10k instagram followers can be a daunting task for many people, but with the right strategies and tactics in place, it will be achievable.

Is it difficult to grow your first 10k followers on Instagram?

The answer to this is both yes and no. It can be not easy if you do it without any strategy or just randomly following people, but if you have a plan of action in place, it’s much easier to reach your goal.

The first step towards growing your followers on Instagram is setting up a profile that attracts attention from potential followers. This includes producing content with high-quality visuals, creating an engaging bio and username, and regularly posting interesting stories.

In addition to this, it’s also important to identify your target audience. Knowing who you want to reach will help you create content tailored specifically to that audience. It’s also useful to research what kind of content performs well with your target audience, so you can create content that is more likely to perform better.

Here are some tips to help you reach your first 10k followers on Instagram fast in 2023. 

How to reach your First 10k followers on Instagram?

1.Research & Plan

Before jumping into posting content and expecting followers, take the time to research what type of content will resonate with your target audience and plan out your content strategy accordingly.

2. Use Hashtags

Using hashtags will help to make your posts more discoverable and increase the chances that a potential follower may stumble upon your content. Hashtags should be relevant to your posting content and tailored to your target audience.

3. Create Quality Content

Regarding Instagram, quality content is essential for building an engaged audience. To do this, create eye-catching visuals that are unique and creative. Utilise hashtags and captions to draw attention to your posts and spark conversations.

4. Post Consistently

Consistency is key when it comes to building an engaged audience on Instagram. Post regularly and consistently so you don’t lose visibility or engagement as you grow your following count. Aim for 3-5 posts per week, and post at optimal times for your target audience.

5. Utilise Instagram Ads

Instagram ads can help you quickly reach a large number of potential followers in a short period. Use targeted ads to reach people interested in your sharing content and have a higher likelihood of engaging with your poposts.

6. Engage With Others

It’s not enough to post content; you also need to engage with other users on Instagram to build relationships and create a supportive community. Comment on other people’s posts, like their photos, follow them back, and respond to DMs – these activities will help you gain visibility and attract followers.

7. Leverage Influencers

Influencer marketing can be a great way to grow your Instagram following quickly. Reach out to influencers in your niche and collaborate with them on content, giveaways, or other opportunities. This will help you tap into their existing fan base and gain more followers. 

8. Monitor your Insights to see what’s working

With a Business or Creator account, you can tap the Insights button on your profile to gain invaluable insights into how well your business is doing. You’ll be able to see follower growth metrics and other helpful statistics, which will provide valuable knowledge on how successful you are becoming!

So, Track your progress and analyze the data from Instagram Insights to see what strategies work best for you. This will help you adjust your strategy, if needed, to ensure you’re getting the most out of your efforts.

9. Start making reels

Reels are the latest Instagram feature that allows you to create 15-30 second videos with music or other audio, GIFs, and special effects. They have become a great way to engage viewers and quickly build up a following on the platform. 

10. Promote it on your blog or other social media sites

Cross-promotion is one of the best ways to build an audience on Instagram. If you have a blog or other social media accounts, link to your Instagram profile and encourage people from those platforms to follow you.


These are some of the most effective tips to help you reach 10k followers on Instagram fast in 2023. With the right strategies and tactics, you can grow your account quickly and build relationships with your new audience.

Article Submitted By Community Writer

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