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How to Know If Your Baby Has a Stuffy Nose


We all know that babies can be fussy sometimes, but did you ever wonder why? One of the most common reasons is because they have a stuffy nose. It may seem silly to think about it now, but when your baby is crying and you don’t know what’s wrong, checking their nose could be the answer. Fortunately, you can find products that can help your infant breath better in sites like Snotty Noses.

In this article, we will discuss how to check for a stuffy nose in infants.

1. Constant Sneezing


It’s common for babies to have a stuffy nose, which can lead to sneezing. If your baby seems constantly congested and is sneezing out of turn, it may be because they have a cold or the flu. In these cases, you should speak with their doctor right away.

2. Snot

If you can see snot on your baby’s face, it might be a sign that their nose is stuffed. Some babies have heavier mucus production and may produce more when they are congested.

You will notice the nasal passages being blocked as well as less drainage from one nostril than the other. This happens because of inflammation in the area or due to an infection like sinusitis (an infection inside one or both of the cavities behind the nose).

3. Not Eating

If your baby’s nose is stuffy, it will also have an effect on their appetite. Babies who are congested may not want to eat as often or they may only want to drink liquids instead of eating solids.

This can lead to weight loss in the best-case scenario, but more worrisome symptoms such as malnutrition could develop if this goes unchecked for too long.

4. Their Breathing Doesn’t Sound Right


Usually, when you have a stuffy nose, your breaths come out in short puffs or rasping wheezes. When the baby’s breath sounds different, it could be because of an upper respiratory infection rather than just a cold and they need to see their doctor for treatment.

If they’re having trouble breathing, are drooling excessively, seem more tired than usual, or feverish then call the pediatrician immediately as these can all be signs of serious complications from a blocked nose that needs medical attention quickly.

5. Sleeping With Their Mouth Open

If your baby is sleeping with their mouth open, this could be an indication that they have a cold or sinus infection. It also can help you identify if there may be something else going on because it’s not typical for children to sleep like this unless they are experiencing some sort of discomfort.

And if the child sleeps with their mouth closed during most of the night and then wakes up in the morning with their mouth open, don’t rule out allergies as a potential cause.

6. Crying a lot

If you’re a new mother or father, the last thing that you want to hear is your baby crying. Babies cry for many reasons, such as hunger, wet diapers, or even just because they woke up from their nap. But when your child cries every time he or she breathes and also has difficulty breathing while awake, then it may be time to bring them in to see their doctor. 

Final Words

There are many different signs that show your baby has a stuffy nose. All you have to do is buying the suitable products for them from Snotty Noses.With this article, you now know the most of the signs. Remember not to let your child’s stuffed nose go untreated as it can lead them into illness sooner rather than later.

Article Submitted By Community Writer

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