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Time to act on plan B for saving the planet

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‘Global Warming’

Natural disasters like mass extinction, hurricanes, wide spread droughts and many others are staring us in the face if we fail to check our consumption of natural resources soon. Development is some thing that every country desires. But the reality is that development and nature doesn’t go hand –in- hand. Countries, irrespective of their sizes, want to race ahead in every way and that means compromising on our natural resources and leading the way for global warming.

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‘Effects of Global warming’

Well, keeping every thing aside, it’s time for Plan B, says an American scientist. Planet earth is in a need of a Plan B in the fight against global warming, in case our efforts to slow down the effects of green house gas emission fails. This kind of a backup plan would involve climate engineering to counteract the effects of global warming.

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‘Chemical engineering to check the effects of global warming’

The carbon dioxide levels are already in the danger zone. It’s not the time to think but the time to implement the plans, infect it is the time to know the seriousness of global warming effects, the effects that can’t be wished away.

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Via:Discovery Channel

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