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Decode The Baby Talk: 5 Crucial Things Your Baby Is Trying To Tell You


When it comes to a parent-baby relationship, even the unsaid things are understood easily. But sometimes, it is wise to remember that you are parents, you are human. You cannot decipher everything that your baby is trying to tell you. And that is okay. But, the more important thing is that you at least put an effort into decoding the undecipherable baby talk. If you are trying hard to understand what your baby is trying to tell you, read on to decode the mysterious baby talk.

The baby feels hungry

The baby feels hungryIf your baby feels hungry, he/she will most likely smack the lips together while awake. If the baby is asleep and you hear sucking sounds, then understand that your baby needs some food.

If the parent doesn’t notice this, then the baby will try to suck on the hands. If that goes without notice, then the baby will wiggle and start rooting for a nipple. Even if that doesn’t work, the last resort will be to start crying.

When a baby feels the first pangs of hunger, the pattern of conveying the same is often ascending or escalating. First, the baby is usually calm. Then, a little bit of excitement begins to show. Later, the movements turn frantic and the baby seems upset. Lastly comes the fretting and the crying.

Baby talk is sometimes difficult. But it is important to notice the signs right from the onset to avoid more chaos later on.

The baby wants to play with you

The baby wants to play with youA baby’s attention span is fleeting. In a very short span of time, the baby might try to tell you that he/she is interested in interacting with you – and in that very short span – lose that interest as well.

But as you get to know your baby more and more, you will realize some signs that repeat themselves when your baby is interested in you. The first sign is bright and wide eyes.

One of the most telltale signs of your baby’s interest in you is the way the baby responds to your voice. If your baby turns to you after hearing your voice and continues staring at you, then he/she is interested in you.

One of the best ways to decipher this unspoken baby talk is to notice the movements of the baby. If your baby wants to play with you, or likes your company, he/she will move his/her hands or legs in a smooth manner. The movements will be far from jerky and through these movements, the baby will try to reach out to you.

Physical interaction is another sign of your baby’s liking towards you. While engaging in play with you, your baby might reach out for your fingers and grasp them tightly.

Once you respond back, the baby might engage further in this through making prolonged eye contact, continued baby coos and constant babbling. If all of these happen, be sure that your baby wants to play with you.

The baby wants a break

The baby wants a break

Just as your baby will send out signals, cueing that he/she wants to engage in the parent-child play with you – he/she will also make gestures to let you know that he/she isn’t interested in your company and needs a break from you.

The baby might look away, or even turn his/her head away from you. The baby might also squirm, kick, cough, spit, or arch her back.

While a lot of babies also use the ‘stop’ sign through his/her hands to signal his/her disinterest in you, most of the babies use the more subtle non-verbal baby talk to do this. These subtle signs can range from yawning and frowning to hiccupping as well.

Lastly, the baby might end up making a fuss in agitation and begin to cry loudly to demand a short break from you and your constant affection.

If you find your baby doing this, the best way to calm him/her is to take him/her as far away from the stressors as possible. Place the baby in a calm, empty environment – usually under the white noise of the fan.

If difficult, then play a recording with nature sounds. The idea is to not agitate the baby further and help him/her understand that the stressor is eliminated.

The baby is sleepy

The baby is sleepyMost of us hate it when we want to desperately sleep, but cannot even wink for a second due to hectic schedules. The case is the same, in fact, it is even more intense, when it comes to babies.

It is thus crucial to identify the subtle baby talk – to understand when your baby is sleepy. If your baby suddenly turns quiet, then he/she is surely sleepy.

Another important sign is that your baby slowly begins to lose interest in the people and the toys around him/her. The baby might also start making numerous jerky movements.

If your baby relaxes completely, or in contrast, starts rubbing his/her eyes and turns fussy, then this is another sure shot sign that you need to put your baby into a cradle as soon as possible.

And if you notice your baby yawning, do not delay in putting him/her to sleep immediately. Missing these early signs of mysterious baby talk will only result in making your baby more agitated and grumpy, which will simply make the process of putting your baby to sleep much more harder and unsettling.

The baby is sick

The-baby-is-sickThis is the saddest baby talk that a parent can possibly decipher. Also, there is hardly a parent who will not recognize that the baby is sick.

However, if you are unsure what your baby’s cries mean, look out for the low whimpers and overtired cries. If your baby is crying in a low sound, which sounds like your baby doesn’t even have the energy to cry – this usually means that your baby is not feeling well.

Look out for the out-of-the-box symptoms – such as a rash, fever, vomiting or constipation – anything that is unusual. Once this happens, immediately call the doctor.

Although it is absolutely common for newborns to fall sick, the situation shouldn’t be taken lightly. When in doubt, immediately consult the doctor.

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