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3 Most Common Complaints About Nursing Homes

Most Common Complaints About Nursing Homes

Some complaints are usually being filed regarding nursing homes, including physical abuse, malnourishment, hygiene and violence between residents.

Abuse-Related Issues

Having to live in a nursing home can be a challenging experience.

If you suspect that your loved one is being abused, you should contact an experienced nursing home abuse attorney to investigate the issue.

1.   Physical Abuse

Physical abuse can include pushing, slapping, kicking and even force-feeding. These types of abuse can cause severe injuries or life-threatening conditions. In order to prevent abuse, nursing homes must employ qualified and trained staff members.

2.   Physical Neglect as a Form of Abuse

Physical neglect is similar to abuse in that it can also cause serious physical and psychological damage. Neglect can occur for a variety of reasons, such as not providing enough staff members, not providing sanitary conditions, or not providing enough necessary supplies.

3.   Financial Abuse

Financial abuse is another common form of abuse. Taking financial resources away from a resident can be very detrimental, even life-threatening. Financial abuse is often committed by family members.

4.   Emotional Abuse

Emotional abuse is just as harmful. Emotional manipulation can cause a resident to act in a way that is unhealthy or embarrassing, even if they do not realize it. A resident can also use emotional manipulation to get a patient to do something they may not want to do.

Emotional abuse can also be difficult to detect. Sometimes, a resident may be too afraid to report abuse because they feel ashamed. The signs of emotional abuse are often subtle, such as changes in a patient’s behavior or changes in their living environment.

5.   Malnourishment And Neglect

Among the most common complaints about nursing homes is malnourishment and neglect.

This condition is a major health concern for the elderly. It can result in significant medical complications and even death.

A nursing home should provide a well-balanced meal for its residents. However, many nursing homes fail to do this. Moreover, they fail to properly heat and prepare the food.

If a family member notices a change in the health of a loved one, they should contact the proper authorities right away. This can include the long-term care ombudsman.

Elderly adults are more prone to malnourishment than younger adults. This is because they have a weaker immune system and are susceptible to frequent infections.

Moreover, they may have a decreased appetite. They may refuse to eat and drink because of depression or religious beliefs.

Malnourishment can also occur due to physical problems. For example, a person may have diarrhea, mouth sores, or dry skin. They may also have a decreased appetite due to medication.

Aside from the physical reasons, malnourishment can also be caused by neglect. This is because the nursing home staff failed to provide the right nutrition. This can be because they are understaffed or because the staff failed to monitor the consumption of the food.

If a nursing home fails to provide good nutrition for its residents, they may be held liable for injuries resulting from malnutrition. This can lead to lawsuits against the facility.

6.   Violence Between Residents

Whether intentional or unintentional, residents in nursing homes are susceptible to physical and mental injury. This is a public health concern and research needs to be more focused on this particular population.

There are many signs that a resident is being abused. Some include feeling anxious or afraid, avoiding activities, and withdrawing from life.

Almost all nursing home staff reported experiencing some sort of resident-to-resident aggression over the past year. The most common types of aggression were verbal and physical.

The most common forms of physical aggression included stealing, pushing, and grabbing. Verbal aggression was in the form of arguing, yelling, and unwelcome touching.

The study found that nursing home staff in large nursing homes reported higher rates of resident-to-resident aggression. This was largely due to a low staff to resident ratio.

Those with mental health problems were also more likely to be victims of physical and verbal abuse.

Nursing home workers have to be vigilant about addressing these issues.

Hygiene-Related Issues

One of the most common complaints about nursing homes is related to hygiene. This includes inadequate cleaning, and not meeting standards for personal care and grooming.

Poor hygiene can lead to health risks and emotional distress. Pests like roaches and rodents in the facility or residents’ rooms are also of concern. Infestations with bed bugs  in nursing homes can spread quickly and are difficult to eliminate once they take hold.

Residents may suffer from skin irritation, sleeplessness, and emotional distress due to the presence of these pests.

The facility has to take measures to prevent these infestations in the first place. Regular inspections of furniture, mattresses, and linen should be conducted to identify potential nesting sites for bed bugs.

Facilities should also provide ongoing training to staff and residents about the dangers of these pests and how to identify them.

Staff-Related Issues

The most common complaints about nursing home staff include inadequate staffing, lack of responsiveness to patient needs, poor communication between staff and patients/residents, and there’s more.

1.   Untrained Staff

One of the most common complaints about staff in nursing homes is that they are not properly trained. Nursing home personnel need to be adequately trained, both in terms of general health care skills and in specialized areas such as dementia or Alzheimer’s care. It is important for them to understand the particular needs of their residents and be able to provide the necessary services.

2.   Inadequate Staffing Levels

Nursing homes are often understaffed, leading to complaints from residents and their families. Residents may feel that they are not receiving enough attention or care, which can have a detrimental effect on their overall health and wellbeing.

3.   Poor Communication

Poor communication between staff and residents can be a huge issue in nursing homes. Residents may feel that their concerns aren’t being listened to, or that they are not receiving enough information about their care. This can lead to frustration and a lack of trust in the staff.


The three most common complaints about nursing homes are a lack of adequate staff, poor quality of care, and inadequate facilities and services. These issues can be addressed through a variety of measures, including increased funding for nursing home staff, improved training and education for caregivers, and higher standards for nursing home facilities and services.

With these measures in place, nursing homes can become better-equipped to provide quality care for their residents and create a more pleasant and comfortable living environment.

Article Submitted By Community Writer

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