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Calendar of the keyboard keys: DIY project to immortalize the keyboard


I am sure you have at least one non-functional keyboard in your house and you are looking for a place to dump it. What if there is a better alternative? I am assuming you would like to consider it at least. Well, the idea is making a monthly calendar from the keyboard keys. Created by duckcrazy a user from Instructables, I think doing so its quite a neat idea. Of course, you will have to spend some minuscule amount of money and some time too. All you need to do is:

Take out 31 keys from your non-functional keyboard, increase the number if you want to name the days. Scratch the labels off the keys that require it and apply new labels. As you have done so, arrange the keys 1-28 in vertical manner by gluing them on cardboard strips. Vertical means that no matter what month it is, 1 is lead on by 8, then 15 and then 22 and you can do the same for the rest as it comes, like 2 is lead on by 9, 16 and then 23 . However, take care that you apply cardboard separately to each key of 29, 30 and 31. Remember the number of days vary, in case you wee wondering.

Then apply all the strips with a magnet sheet and put it on. Now, as you have the calendar, you can arrange and re-arrange the strips according to the month. However, still in doubt, you can track back for more clarification. All the best. I am sure your keyboard will be immortalized.

Happy making!

Via: Unplggd

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