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Budgeting baby nursery decoration

A new baby is about to come into your world and you are constantly thinking about how you will be able to manage the monthly budget. So if you are a mother then you must be scribbling through magazines and various websites to see movie stars’ nurseries with all that tight budgets. We all know that prices are very high and everything is expensive, also you know that walls have to be painted and layettes are custom made. Not only that, there are several basic things like furniture, accessories and a toy which comes in must have list. So if the budget is tight and you have to manage it all, then I am sure it can boggle you. So, first of all you got to think in a very creative way like it is not necessary your baby should always have something new but you can refurbish any item and make it for your baby.

So, it’s your own duty to make a list of the things which you want and things you really need. Then you can easily cut your budgets according to the items you have to buy or what not.

1. Safety items

The first and foremost thing is safety of your newborn baby. So, spend on safety items for your baby’s room. These are the things which you can buy from your best friend or you can buy from market. The shopping for these kinds of items can be done from various websites like eBay and heather corley. These websites offer some best quality baby cribs, baby strollers and high chair products at a very nominal price. So, it does not matter from where you get safety items but the only thing that matters is the quality of product you are putting in the room.

2. Hand me downs

The best economical way of saving the money is to accept things from your friends. I am sure many of your friends will love to pass things because their baby has outgrown and they don’t need these things any more. So you can consult from parents who have their babies 3 to 6 month older and I am sure they will not be having problem with this. Also they will be having a better chance to empty the space which is being filled with some items which are not of their usage like infant bassinette or cradle. Lots of people like to purchase items in a lavishing manner but use only some of them so if they are your best ones, It’s a best opportunity to ask from them.

3. Purchase used items

Another solution for you is to buy from stores, which offer items which are slightly used by people. These shops are there to offer used items and you can go through some garage sales, flea markets and consignment stores for that. Many parents want to save their money to sell these baby items to these shops so it is the best place to buy best products without paying very large amount of money. Also you have options to negotiate about the price and can also get an antique rocking chair or drawers at cheap price. The only thing you have to consider before buying is the basic structure and stability of the piece.

4. Most important and less important

I am sure most of you will be planning color theme for your baby room. The trick to be used here is to consider the color theme in such a way that the color lasts for 5 to 10 years. Here you can use soft butter yellow, soft leaf greens and sky blue like colors. One more suggestion for you is to consider the difference between most important and less important items. Try to purchase items which are very important and can later buy those items which are less important because they can be purchased in the coming months.

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