Best Diet for Mothers After Caesarean Delivery

Caesarean delivery

It should come as no news that Caesarean delivery is, usually, a little more difficult to go through than a normal one. It also comes with more complications and risks than the natural way of birthing. Also, the issues arising post delivery are also more with the former way and hence, extra care needs to be taken here.

Your diet and exercise regime must be on track right from the time you are expecting so that it becomes easier to regain the healthier shape of your body, post-delivery. Having said that, below are listed a few ways to look after your diet in case you have just undergone a caesarean delivery, and wish to jump right back on track as soon as possible. 

Stuff to include:

  • Protein rich foods:


Eggs and pulses are an excellent source of protein, and hence are good replacements for fast foods to make their way into your diet.

  • Low-fat products:

Milk and milk products need to be consumed but only after reducing the fat content. Make sure to include plenty of calcium in your diet to avoid the issue of osteoporosis getting in your way in the future.

  • Fruits and veggies:

Fresh fruits and vegetables are a great source of vitamins and the required minerals and electrolytes. They also help relieve constipation after the C-section. Whole grains are also important as far as maintaining energy levels and increased milk production is concerned.

  • Whole fibres:


Vitamins, fibres, and several micronutrients are important to be included in the diet since they cause healing of tissue injuries, both internal as well as external. Turmeric must also carefully and consciously be taken in the right amounts to heal the cuts and wounds.

  • Fluids:

Take in fluids like water and electrolytes as much as possible to produce just the right amount of breast milk for your baby. Also, make sure that your body does not undergo dehydration. Keeping topping up the amount of water in your body by consuming fluids like coconut water.

Stuff to avoid:

  • Carbonated and aerated drinks:

Citrus fruits and vegetables

Carbonated drinks and citrus juices are popularly known to cause gas and flatulence, and hence, must completely be avoided as much as possible.

  • Alcohol and similar products:

Alcohol is known to hinder the process of your child’s development and may even cause hurdles in the production of your breast milk.

  • Fried and processed foods:

Such foods are hard to digest and may put unnecessary load on your gastrointestinal tract. They may also result in burning and indigestion. The same is true for fermented and fast foods.

  • Ice cream, cold drinks, and anything that can make you catch a cold:

Ice cream

As a lactating mother, you cannot afford catching a cold. The infection will pass on to the child via your breast milk. The option of medication also cannot be considered due to the same reason.

  • Caffeinated drinks:

Excess of caffeine can result in growth and development issues in your baby. Also, their diuretic properties are anther reason why you should stay away from them. 

Diet breakdown:

home made food

  • Prefer homemade food than eating outside, although occasionally consuming restaurant food won’t harm.
  • Take in 5-6 smaller meals spread out all over the day than consuming 3 heavy meals at specific times.
  • The best way to kill hunger pangs is to munch on some fruits or nuts as compared to chips.
  • Also, make sure to relax while having your meal. Don’t gulp down your food, but take your time eating and chewing it slowly so that your body is not subjected to undue stress.

The foods mentioned above are all generally beneficial for a mother to consume post-delivery. They usually impart healthier advantages to both the mother and child. But you must always make it a point to consult with your doctor or a dietician before consuming any foods.

You don’t want to trigger an allergic reaction, or give rise to any sort of complication for yourself and your baby as a result of consuming any of the above-mentioned food stuffs. Caesarean delivery, although a difficult process, is not impossible to recover form. With the right dietary and resting guidance, you can very well return to living life normally like before.

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