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Are childbirth education classes beneficial?

Pregnancy is the most joyful ans stressful time in a person’s life. A childbirth education class can help prepare the mothers and their support person for the changes that occur during the pregnancy and childbirth. Besides teaching breathing and relaxation techniques, these classes are very informative and educational.They help future parents to deal with the pain of labor, as well as teach them basic baby care skills. Every family is different and these classes give the information needed and the tools necessary to make the best decision. Whatever procedure you may follow for delivery, this class will be beneficial . It will be easier to accomplish your goals in childbirth with knowledge providing the foundation for your decisions. Childbirth classes were introduced as “psycho-prophylaxis” in Russia.

What can you learn from a childbirth class?

a. Childbirth Preparation

It usually educates your well being, labor positions, pushing techniques, partners approach, relaxation and breathing mode. Many classes will also include information about common medical mediation, beginning of labor, cesarean birth and post recovery.

b. Natural Childbirth Preparation

Women who are interested in preparing for a birth experience with less medical intervention may want to take a class specific to that topic. They provide additional practice of labor comfort strategies, partner support and in-depth discussion on working with the natural process of labor.A birthing class helps to refresh the memory and reiterate breathing techniques that are essential in a healthy and comfortable delivery process.

c. Newborn Care

Learn how to breastfeed, when and how to introduce solids and prepare infant food. Sleep arrangement and baby safety tips contribute to raising your newborn in healthy manner. It’s also good to know the importance of immunizations, common childhood illnesses and how to deal with it, and diet to be given at that time.

d. Infant CPR Classes

In the case of an unexpected emergency instant CPR can play a very crucial role. Hence first time parents are guided how to handle the situation without alarm. Most CPR classes offer information on accident prevention and child safety.

The classes are a platform to help pregnant women to reach a comfort level after all the undergoing all the stages of childbirth by channelizing and supporting them,

Benefits of Childbirth Education Classes

1. The birthing class give a brief idea as to how your baby should be fed immediately after he or she is born as well as how to prepare to take the baby home from the hospital if the baby is born in a Medicare.

2. Sharing experiences and apprehension with others in the same situation can help relieve anxiety. Address fears and get answers to your questions.

3. Childbirth education classes have been put on view to strongly benefit the father–as he will learn how he can become involved with his partner’s labor and come to her aid.

4. Understand the changes that occur in a woman physically and psychologically throughout pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum.

5. Breastfeeding is an art. New babies and new mothers need to learn that there are wonderful variations in personalities that make breastfeeding easy or challenging.

Although childbirth classes are not decisive to bring a happy, healthy child into the world, they can be crucial support for the father or person supporting. Childbirth classes are an amusing and favorable experience.

However, the right childbirth education class can help you sort through the numerous information, give away your fears, and enlighten yourself with choices about your labor and birth.

Childbirth Preparation Methods

a. Bradley Method

Created by Robert A.Bradley and popularized by his book Husband coached childbirth emphasis on natural process of labor which is not medicated and uninterviened. Parents learn to rely on variety of coping skills including relaxation, imagery and visualization, and deep breathing.

b. Kitzinger Method

English anthropologist Sheila Kitzinger introduced the Kitzinger Method and promotes birth through the use of massage, touch and feeling, women are encouraged to concentrate on contraction instead of ignoring it .

c. Lamaze Method

These classes named after Dr .Fernand Lamaze are also referred to as “lamaze”classes.This technique is not an attested medical therapy. Its effectiveness benefit could be analyzed by a placebo effect, ie; diverting the woman’s attention from the labor pain to the breathing exercise.This method allows the labour to begin naturally .Lot of emphasis is given on walking and body movement throughout the labor.

d. Water Childbirth

In this method the delivery is done by sitting in water.The new born won’t drown as he has lived in fluid for 9 months.

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