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Ben Geebelen uses Microsoft Excel to design TulipK Lamp

tulipk lamp

By now you must have known that Microsoft Excel can do much more than data analysis and keeping track of important data. If not, then check out the TulipK Lamp that will clear out your doubts. Designed by Ben Geebelen, TulipK Lamp makes use of Microsoft Excel for primary design, and 3-matic software to give the final tulip petal touch. The six petals just like the tulip open and closes with a mechanism that acts as 3D printed dimmer for the lamp. The actual picture where Excel comes into light is the 2374 holes that are precisely and beautifully located in each of the petals. Its one of the best work that I have seen on a Excel. Really ingenious!

tulipk lamp
tulipk lamp1
tulipk lamp2

Via: Technabob

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