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“My baby is too old for crib”: Don’t trash it, re-use it

Trying to sale off an old crib may be a problem due to the new crib regulations. There is no reason to despair as there is hope for your old crib. You need not store it, dump it or give it away, as with a bit of help from web tutorials, you can infuse a new life to the old crib. Here are some creative ideas to get working on an old crib.

1. Turn an old crib into a work bench

When your baby has outgrown the crib, you either decide to give it away or perhaps keep it in the hope of having another baby. You can re-use it instead of leaving it just stashed away in the attic, gathering dust. Here is a creative idea of how an unused crib can be converted into the perfect work bench for children.

Here, an old crib has been revamped in a most creative way into little learning table for two.

1. The removable side door of the crib was easily removed to create the front part of the project.

2. The bed base was then raised to the highest level of a new born for the work area.

3. Two thick sheets of medium-density fiberboard were cut and fitted snugly to the mattress base as the table top.

4. These were then painted over with blackboard paint so the kids could have a chalkboard table top.

5. Suction hooks and holder hooks were placed on the crib sides for holding shelves for coloring books and scissors.

6. A whiteboard has been placed on the left hand side for the kid’s therapy homework.

7. A white painted spice rack has been placed on the right side for storing craft items.

2. Bench out of an old crib

Here, an old antique crib front has been converted into an over sized front porch chair.

1. The old crib front was given a thorough cleaning first and sanded down.

2. Two long boards were then cut to the length of the crib width of 30 inches and the width of the bench at 28 inches deep. The two side boards were then cut to the length of 17 inches.

3. The edges of the board were then glued together with Gorilla Glue Wood Glue and screwed together.

4. The boards for the seat top were then cut to 18 inches in length with an inch hang over on the front.

5. The boards were then glued on the underside and hammered in.

6. Two sturdy leg chairs from Home Depot with screw ends were bought with some metal leg attachers.

7. An extra block of wood was then added underneath at the front two corners of the seat and the legs screwed into the metal piece.

8. A cute molding was then added on the back of the bench and some rope molding for the bottom seat front.

9. The seat was then attached to the crib with L-brackets from Home Depot.

10. Spray-on wood primer was used to prime the bench.

11. After drying off the primer overnight, the paint work using Wrought Iron Black color was painted on with a big bristle brush, using two layers of paint.

12. Using Dark Eucalyptus Green glaze from DecoArt Patio Paint, mixed with water based glaze from Home Depot was brushed in to accent the wood details.

3. Plate rack with old crib

Here an old crib has been refashioned into a nice farmhouse style plate rack by just piecing them together.

1. The two sides of the crib railings were brought apart by removing the hardware.

2. They were then placed side by side against the wall and the wood pieces which were not necessary were removed.

3. The crib sides were then glued together using Gorilla Glue.

4. The combined project was then given a slight touch up of white paint and left to dry.

5. Finally, the rack was mounted on the wall and filled in with the plates.

4. Metal frame corn crib into a Gazebo

You can have a delightful, little Gazebo as a garden landscape feature by utilizing your old metal frame corn crib in an ingenious manner.

1. First, design the Gazebo taking into account the traffic flow, garden pathway, plants and doorways so that they do not obstruct the Gazebo design.

2. Give a new life to the metal frame corn crib by repairing it of any damage or giving it a new aluminum roofing or even a wood framed roof with asphalt shingles. Straighten out any bent wires and clean the inside of the crib to clear it of any weed residue and to give it a new shine.

3. Cut down the wire strands of the metal crib to fashion any entrances like doors, using a bolt cutter. Cutting the wires as close to the junction of its perpendicular wire, grind down the remaining sharp points with the bolt cutter to avoid injuries. You can attach decorative doorways to the entrances cut out if necessary.

4. Plant some climbing plants or create a flower bed around the Gazebo to give it a soft look. You can even place some strings of white lights around the frame of you Gazebo for evening sit-outs.

5. You can decorate your sitting area in the Gazebo with some wooden chairs and tables which can become permanent fixtures.

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