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10 Gizmos for mom-to-be

Belly buds

The following article unfolds various gizmos which can be used during pregnancy which will make this phase more joyous and less fearful for you. These gadgets will help to understand your body and enable you to take proper care of yourself and the baby.

1. Duo fertility

Infertility can be cause of tension among many couples. Duo fertility gadget can be a great rescuer. It is designed to let you know when is the best time for conceiving; a week in advance. Just wear this gadget under your arm and let it do the work. It will start calculating at least 20,000 measurements in a day and will keep the record in data reader, so after a specific period you can read and evaluate.

2. Kick track

Feeling your baby movements inside you is great. Kick track gadget helps you to record any movements which your baby does. This gadget is helpful to analyse the movements and avert any further complication.

3. Kick bee

Kickbee is basically a vest designed so that it can sense the movements of baby in the womb and with help of Bluetooth device sends it on twitter. The movements are recorded positions in womb and with help of microcontroller, it communicates with nearest software; updating status on twitter.

4. Belly buds

Belly buds

Belly buds earphones are designed so that mom-to-be is able to make her baby hear different sounds, voices and music to enhance the growth. Studies have suggested that ‘music’ can enhance child’s growth and belly buds are perfect as they are safe and secure. They can even be connected to an iPod.

5. Laks baby boom pregnancy watch

This watch is one of the strangest gadgets which have been designed for pregnant women. The watch is made in a classy manner; though it does not serve any big purpose, it tells you the week of pregnancy and highlights baby names. You can choose a name in case you are looking for some unique one and require help.

6. Before stethoscope and MP3 player

Shaped in an embryo style, this gadget allows you to record and listen to your child’s heartbeat and helps you in preventing any further complication. It is effectual in establishing a direct bond between mother-to-be and child. Also, it displays child’s heartbeats as a graph and you can monitor it on computer with help of USB or Bluetooth.

7. Parental educative device

This Gravda Nurse parental education device is the most useful of all the gadgets available. It displays various articles on the things that are good or bad for child and the expectant mother. It also educates with help of vocal articles too. So, next time you are relaxing, you can use this touch screen device and enjoy the benefits.

8. Vscan

A device of size equal to Blackberry is available, which records the ultrasound of the baby. Easy navigation keys and buttons and help you to see see ultrasound in seconds and feel your baby not only inside but outside too. This ultrasound scanner is handy and helpful.

9. Pregnancy test with Digital USB Gadget

One of the weirdest gadgets ever made, this device helps you to keep check on your health and your baby’s by updating you with various information. You just have to put your urine on the strip provided for accurate results. It looks attractive and smart apart from being weirdest device.

10. Baby speakers

Ritmo baby speakers are designed to comfortably fit the belly of mother. Ritmo provides a calm and comfortable experience for the mother and the baby with great sound quality. It uses the well-proven fact that music is beneficial to the unborn baby and blends it well with the latest technology.

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