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AgResearch scientists discover low-methane sheep

sheep flock

Depending on digestion and the resultant methane out-belching, the scientists at the AgResearch, New Zealand’s Largest Crown Research Institute, have succeeded in discovering some sheep with lower emissions. A low-methane flock fed on a variety of foods produced 8 percent less methane than the other who is not genetically that sound to make as low emissions as the former did. Now, it might encourage researchers elsewhere also to breed ruminants with lower greenhouse gas emissions.

Harry Clark, the scientist heading the study at Agresearch, said…

For the first time we have opened up the possibility we could breed animals with lower greenhouse gas emissions. We definitely lead the world in this.

Mark Aspin, manager of Pastoral Greenhouse Gas Research Consortium, forced upon conducting more tests to ensure that productivity in terms of wool, milk and meat does not suffer. The consortium, subsidiary of AgResearch, aims to cut greenhouse gases per unit of milk, meat or wool by 10 per cent of 2004 levels by 2013.

Via: NZHerald

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