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A Guide To Finding Summer Jobs For High School Students


It is that time of the year again when school is over and teenagers everywhere have anywhere between 10 to 12 weeks on their hands to do whatever they want. It is a good idea to use this time one has to find a part/ full-time job or internship to develop work skills and earn some extra cash on the side. There are plenty of summer jobs for high school students that are easy to do and enjoyable. These jobs not only help the teenager develop work ethics for a future job, but also help them acquire basic business skills.

Benefits of part-time student jobs:


Part-time jobs help students develop important skills. These jobs can teach students independence, money management, and the ability to adapt to a different environment. It prepares them for the future. Also, a part-time or full-time job looks great on a resume when applying for your first real job after college. It also helps students kill time in the summers and enables them to contribute their share to the income stream of the family.

Create a resume:


Most work from home jobs or part-time student jobs does not need applicants to submit a resume. However, it is beneficial to have one. You may be competing with college students or retired people for the same position.

It is a great practice to make your personalized resume, which explains why you are the perfect applicant for a job. You must always make modifications to your resume depending on the position available. Also, it is a good practice to showcase your problem-solving skills using a brief example.

Other work friendly attributes such as punctuality, social skills and optimism should find their way on to your resume. Reliability, ability to work in a team and coaching ability are some of the attributes a recruiter may look for in you.

Technical mastery such as a good handle on certain computer programs such as word and excel is a plus point anywhere. These skills are especially important if you are looking for online jobs for teenagers that pay. When you go in to drop your resume, make sure you are dressed well as a manager may be screening future employees.

Summer jobs for high school students:


There are a plethora of jobs out there that advertise part-time student jobs by putting out ‘help wanted’ signs. Even stores that do not have these signs are willing to hire part-time employees for assistance during peak hours and peak seasons. Then you have ads in newspapers that may help in finding one. You may also choose to sign up for job websites that have openings put up regularly for different positions and localities.

There are online jobs for teenagers that pay for tasks ranging from simple data entry and research to creative writing. Online jobs for teenagers that pay are available in different sectors. These work from home jobs offer flexibility in terms of working hours and workload.

Ultimately, summer jobs for high school students depend on the preferences of the said student. One may look for a job that helps the person develop skills that are pertinent to the stream they intend to make a career in. If the primary objective of part-time student jobs for you is the money, the kind of work does not matter as much. What follows is a small list of summer jobs for high school students.



Babysitting is a great opportunity for teenagers to earn some extra cash on the weekends. It involves taking care of a younger one for a few hours. If you can take an initiative and do a few courses such as first aid training and CPR training, you will be paid extra for the same work. It also involves diapering sessions and knowing how to get toddlers to nap.

Lawn maintenance:


A lot of yard owners will pay willing teenagers to maintain their yard. This includes taking care of the extra growth and requires a few visits every month. If you happen to own a lawnmower, you have everything you need. Given that the work is boring, time-consuming, and you may have to work out in the hot sun, the pay compensates for it. If you can get a few customers, you can arrange your schedule, so you have some work every day and you end up making a small fortune every month. A similar job can be shoveling snow in winter.



Being a cashier is a good option when looking for part-time student jobs. The job has fixed timings and all you need to know is basic math to win at it. However, with electronic cashier systems today, you may not even need to be very good at math.



Being a waiter teaches you food handling, customer service, and being polite and accommodating. Restaurants will often employ teenager in busy hours to keep the situation under control. This can be a great summer job for high school students.



If you have an ability to teach well or write my essay cheap, you can be a tutor for school kids. Tutor jobs pay well and one only has to work a few hours every week. If you can get a few customers, being a tutor can be one of the best part-time student jobs for you. If possible, you can host tutoring sessions in your own house as well. This will reduce travel time and can be a great summer job for high school students.


Students may have different motivations when looking for summer jobs for high school students. You may need the extra cash or just an opportunity to develop some much-needed work ethics and/or career-related qualities. The job may not even pay you very well, but it will surely reward you in other ways. The search for your first job can be a daunting task, especially if you have no help in finding summer jobs for high school students.

The only quality that will work for you is persistence. Look for jobs in places you wouldn’t expect to have jobs. Whenever you go in to drop a resume, ask if you could have a word with the manager. If you find him, tell him why and how you plan to take this opportunity and why they should choose you.

If the manager is not available, ask for a better time to meet him and come back then. Your first job could very well be a gateway to a rewarding career. You may find something you are passionate about. Given above are only a few examples of summer jobs for high school students. There are various other opportunities out there as well.

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