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A chair made from around 60 ice hockey sticks

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Recycling is something which has always been appreciated on HomeQn, and we have never failed to show you some of the best recycled products as well. Keeping the trend alive, here is yet another recycled furniture that is sure to draw some crowds on your home pitch. “Hockey Stick Chair” is a commendable work by designer Simon Lyons, who makes use of at least 60 ice hockey sticks to make a comfortable unit for you to seat on. It was designed around the idea of metacycling the old or broken hockey sticks , which has reached the end of its intended life cycle and using them again to perform a different function.

The hockey sticks made of carbon fibers, also makes use of four recycled aluminum rods for assembly and comes with a memory foam cushion for comfort. The aluminum joints and cross-halving joints hold the hockey sticks together, without the need of screws or adhesives. The chair is a complete fun for those who have a passion for ice hockey, and also a chair that promotes minimal waste and takes care of the motherly planet.

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hockey stick chair

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