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8 Parental habits that can spoil your toddler

Parental habits that can spoil your toddler

Mending a toddler is as challenging as taking care of a new born. This is the phase when they learn to develop appropriate behaviors, and if not taken care of, your approach could easily spoil the young one. In spite of shaping up a protocol for your toddler to behave, it is wise to prepare one for yourself, so your child, full of energy, enthusiasm, curiosity and zest, is raised to the utmost satisfaction. Here are a few habits that could spoil your toddler, and refraining from these would help you to raise a well-behaved child.

1. Creating dependency

Giving the feeling that they cannot do things on their own, toddlers are bound to pick up the habit of depending on you unwantedly. This is sure to hinder their mental development. While toddlers are incompetent in doing majority of the tasks, there are certain simple chores they could do despite your assistance. Let them learn to wear outfits under your supervision or to serve themselves, so they can learn to practice the skill gradually. Do not forget to praise them for what they did, and this will inspire the toddler into doing things on their own.

2. Family bonding and communication

In this developmental phase, every toddler would want to spend time with parents. Unlike the matured ones, who are pretty old enough to understand the busy schedules of the parents, the toddler phase is quite difficult to handle. If the attention and presence they seek is not given, there are high chances of spoiling your child’s proper development, and hence the child might turn aggressive, instead of assertive. Talking will never help mend a child, unlike the elders. If not properly communicated, toddlers will get the wrong message and tend to do things that might put you on shame. Proper messaging is important at this phase and the toddlers must be taught in a smart way as to what they are supposed to do.

3. Changing routines

Do not confuse the child with mixing your routines with his/hers. Sticking to the routines will help them to know, what is going to happen next. Changing routines will not only confuse the child, but also leave him undisciplined and to an extent, uncontrolled. You are sure to regret your behavior later on, thinking of the unexpected behavioral patterns from your toddler.

4. Abuse

Both physical and verbal abuse could easily spoil a child rather than helping him. Majority of the psychological damages caused to children are through abuses. Abusing creates a sense of inferiority among the toddler. In addition, do not argue or fight in front of the toddlers. Seeing the parents fight, they feel insecure and this in fact turns out to create some severe behavioral issues on the children.

5. Favoritism

Giving preference to one and neglecting the other will leave the latter shattered and depressed. Criticizing the toddler in front of others also impacts the child a lot. Be it a boy or girl, make sure, equal preference is given to all your children so they won’t feel left out or useless.

6. Pampering

Though toddlers need from their parents signs of affection like kisses and hugs, too much of such an attention could spoil the young one. This makes the toddler demanding.

7. Imposing your choices on the child

Though very young to make choices, learn to respect your kid’s likes and dislikes. This will make them feel they are important too, and would help the child become independent eventually.

8. Food Habits

Do not constrain their food habits. Let them pick up new food habits as they grow up and this is highly essential for their mental and physical developments. Help them to eat right and pick their favorite food. Also, do not forget to help them in their choices, as they are ignorant of what is good for their growth. Avoid pampering them with too many chocolates and delicacies that could spoil their health.

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