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October 2008

Environmental hazard complaints on the rise post Hurricane Ike

When nature strikes, it hits hard. A tsunami of devastation swept through areas where Hurricane Ike hit. It was the third most destructive tropical cyclone in the history of United States. Tropical cyclones feed on heat, and additional heat in the…

Environmental hazard complaints on the rise post Hurricane Ike

Warming oceans might signal pack up time for fishing industry

The change in oceanic temperatures across the world, predicted as an outcome of climate change, will definitely affect marine organisms and thus influence the commercial fishing industry, the aquaculture industry and the food industry that relies on..

Warming oceans might signal pack up time for fishing industry

Sweet-green talks of sugary Maharashtra

The western belt of Maharashtra is popular for sugarcane and various other crops due to presence of fertile land and good irrigation.

The state’s Pollution Control Board has been conducting discussions and training workshops, looking at new…

Urban forestry; the tool for green living

Working for the greater good of a community takes realization, knowledge and resilience, but most of all it takes passion. Environmental educators, and community workers and leaders have these traits in common. Making people understand and realize…

Atlantic bluefin tunas are at risk from overfishing practices

The Atlantic bluefin tuna represent yet another case of wildlife being affected by geographical borders, putting them at immense risk, wherever they go. These fishes have amazing life cycles and agile body physiology to compliment it. They undertake..

Atlantic bluefin tunas are at risk

Google goes green

Google claims it will rescue the United States before 2030, from using coal and oil for power, and cut oil use for cars. The estimated cost of this new energy plan is lesser than the amount needed to bail United States out of their recent financial…

British government to pay up for climate change initiatives

These days, being sluggish when it comes to climate change is not well received. So when Britain was trailing way behind in contributing towards the first phase of the world’s largest monitoring project – Kopernikus, the trade association of…

British government to pay up for climate change initiatives

Californian ports grow to curb pollution

Did you know that an average 10 year old vehicle emits 10 times the amount of pollution in comparison to a new one? Now imagine, about 2000 heavy duty trucks, which are about 20 years old, regularly churning out gases.

Californian ports at Los…

Pricing greenhouse gas emissions – can we afford it?

Emissions’ trading is the next big thing after online trading. Eastern states of the United States have recently introduced a price for greenhouse gas emissions – $3.07 per ton. Ignoring the national forum, these states went ahead with auctioning…

Pricing greenhouse gas emissions
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