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British government to pay up for climate change initiatives

British government to pay up for climate change initiatives


These days, being sluggish when it comes to climate change is not well received. So when Britain was trailing way behind in contributing towards the first phase of the world’s largest monitoring project – Kopernikus, the trade association of British space industry had to ask UK to step up. Britain’s late and discounted arrival caused several companies to lose profitable contracts.

Kopernikus is an earth-observation based service, consisting of satellites and sensors on the ground, which monitor the earth’s natural environment and also serves security purposes. It gives us information about our urban sprawl, agriculture, natural disasters, ecological environment etc. What we make of this information is entirely up to the human race.

Existing earth-observation based services in Europe are challenged with coverage issues, they provide only regional or national information and have lesser longevity than Kopernikus, which provides comprehensive and consistent data. Scientists can infer climate changes only based on such continuously processed information.

No matter who provides solutions to climate change, if the so-called super powers of the world do not conform to it and provide their complete support, then such initiatives will not have the desired impact. And moreover, it is the responsibility of these developed nations to come up with solutions, since in most cases; they are the ones contributing to the deterioration of the environment.

Source: BBC/ Image

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