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Why vitamin antioxidant supplements?

Why vitamin antioxidant supplements? The answer is simple; experimental evidences suggest that it will prevent coronary heart diseases (CHD) and cancer. As a heart patient, it is important to have ample of ascorbic acid (vitamin C), a-tocopherol (vitamin E), and vitamin A in your diet. These antioxidants regulate the movement of free radicals, by providing them with electrons.
In medical terminology, free radicals in the arterial intima increases, Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) oxidation, which produces toxic effects on cell, and these toxins, are taken up by the arterial macrophages and causes atherosclerosis. Vitamin A, C, and E are fat-soluble and they reduce LDL oxidation by increasing endothelial nitric oxide release.

Therefore, it can be aptly said that antioxidant vitamins may also reduce the risk of atherosclerosis. In other words low cholesterol deposits in the arterial walls lower the incidence of a coronary thrombosis. Therefore, it is better to include a lot of fishes, nuts, Soya beans, vegetable oil, broccoli, sprouts, spinach, whole meal products, eggs for Vitamin E; lots of green leafy vegetables, berries, citrus fruits, guavas, tomatoes, melons, papayas for Vitamin C and breads, cereals, and other grain products for Vitamin A. However, it is better to go for direct sources of antioxidant vitamin in food rather than going for an antioxidant vitamin supplement.
Thanks All Vitamins

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