Understanding how Dr. Anthony Bianchi Is Serving the Fresno Community

Dr. Anthony Bianchi

From a young age, Tony Bianchi has always felt tied to nature. From his upbringing in Denver, Colorado to a brief stint in Italy during his boyhood to his current life in Fresno, California, Dr. Bianchi has never strayed too far from the healing power of the great outdoors. As a Doctor of Occupational Medicine, Dr. Bianchi has brought his expertise to bear in many different hospitals, faith-based groups, and recovery programs. Today, he’s working to serve the Fresno community.

serving the patients After graduating from the University of Texas at Houston in 1995, Bianchi wasted no time in applying his skills at an internship and residency program at Houston’s St. Joseph’s Hospital. While there, his dedicated work with patients earned him a Chief Resident Teaching Award as well as a Top Resident Award from the American Association of Laparoscopists.

Since starting his own practice, Dr. Bianchi has gained a reputation for being community-oriented in his approach to medicine. After spending his early years in Colorado, and over a decade serving the patients of Southern California, Dr. Bianchi settled in Fresno to be able to serve the community of hard workers and farmers who are responsible for fueling California’s agricultural and labor-driven economy. He’s proud of the work he does locally, and he’s been able to give back to his community in several ways, including through philanthropic work with recovery programs and faith-based groups.

Dr. Bianchi’s commitment to progress doesn’t stop there. When it comes to the science and practice of occupational medicine, Bianchi believes that physical and mental health issues caused by work are to be taken with the utmost seriousness and that by turning our full focus to human dignity, in and out of the workplace, we can do better as a society. Together with his wife, Dr. Bianchi is proud to call attention to the global problem of human trafficking by supporting the A21 campaign to abolish slavery. They also sponsor a number of children through the Compassion International organization, a Christian sponsorship ministry that helps support children in need.

Dr. Anthony BianchiWhen Dr. Anthony Steven Bianchi isn’t working, he’s usually taking the time to explore the beauty of his surroundings. An avid hiker, skier, and mountain biker, Bianchi has spent much of his free time traveling the world and taking in the sights of London, France, Monaco, the Caribbean, and Mexico. He’s been fortunate enough to see all the diverse beauty America has to offer and especially enjoys the sights of the Pacific Northwest and Bainbridge Island near Seattle. Travel and music is a way for Dr. Bianchi to feel connected to nature and to appreciate the endless beauty of the world. When his travels are over, of course, he loves coming back home to his family and his practice.

When it comes to practicing medicine and getting involved in the community, Dr. Bianchi feels that the two should always be intertwined. Getting to know the workers of Fresno has been one of the most rewarding aspects of his career, and he looks forward to serving the community for years to come.

Article Submitted By Community Writer

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