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Tips to calm upset stomach

Stomach is an integral part of our body therefore, keeping it sound is essential to keep the whole body sound. Now the question arises that how an upset stomach can be calmed down. So, here are some of the important tips, which could be applied to calm an upset stomach.

1. Dehydration is a common problem, which normally arises from an upset stomach. That is why make sure that you have sufficient fluids intake since it will keep you hydrated.

2. Have light meal while you are troubled by upset stomach.

3. Lie still after eating or drinking; avoid activity.

4. Stay away from fried, greasy or sugary foods as they may worsen the condition.

5. If even after 24 hours, you find no improvement then contact your doctor immediately.

I hope these few but important tips would help you subjugating your upset stomach by calming it down.

Image credit: Purdue

Via: Yahoo

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