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Teen brains may handle alcohol more successfully!

Brains of teens may handle the intoxication of alcohol more successfully than the adults, a study of researchers from Binghamton University in New York have come up with such conclusion.

Researchers after conducting some tests on rats found that the younger rats were more adaptable to the effects of alcohol and as a result they consumed more alcohol. On the contrary, this was not the case with older rats. Similar conclusion were found in human beings also.

Bringing out the conclusion more clearly of this study Elena I. Varlinskaya, a research professor at Binghamton University revealed:

However, the social behavior of adult animals was still severely suppressed 30 minutes after alcohol administration, whereas the social behavior of adolescents was almost similar to that of animals not exposed to alcohol.

However, drinking cannot be proclaimed safe and in adolescents it may lead to serious consequences because their brain is more prone to alcohol-related damage. Mind it!

Image credit: ehd

Via: Ivanhoe

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