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Sugarest – Will power in a pill!

You are on a diet and have decided to cut down on sugar-laden pastries and deserts to achieve your target weight. And then, you were offered a plate of cookies and pastries, what do you do?

Did you find it hard to resist the temptation the sinful desert in front of you? Did you end up saying that you’ll have just one, one more, a small bite and realize that you have gobbled the entire packet of candies? It happens to most of us; once we start munching deserts, it’s hard to say NO and end up eating all that is in front of us.

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Here’s a good news for all those who have a Sweet tooth and are on a diet; a new pill called ‘Sugarest’ will help you fight the temptation by taking away the sweet taste from your favorite sugary foods.

How does this work?
The main ingredient, gymnema sylvestre is an herb that neutralizes the sweet receptors on your tongue and eliminates the taste of sweetness. So, if you can’t taste it, you don’t want to eat it and what’s unique is that it affects only the sweet cravings sensors on your tongue.

For some people it might help, But again, you need to study it and study it on a large number of people in a well-controlled trial to really know what the effects are.

says dietician Angie Makris.

A few volunteers who tested this product found that it actually works! But the downside of this is that the effect lasts for only thirty minutes, which means you will have to pop another pill in case you are still tempted! Sugarest eliminates the taste sensation and not your sugar cravings.

The pills are not FDA approved and cost $20 for 30 tablets.

So, the next time you are off to a wedding, you know what you should pack first in your purse!



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