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Russian woman gives birth to a huge baby girl weighing 17 pounds

baby huge

Russian Tatiana Khalina has made her town Aleisk in the Altai region in southern Siberia proud as she set a record by delivering her 12th baby that weighed 17.05 pounds (7.75 kgs) at birth. The newborn is more than the twice as an average newborn. According to World Health Organisation statistics a healthy newborn’s weight is around 3.2 kgs (7.04) pounds.

The baby girl, Nadia was delivered by Cesarean section on September 17, 2007 in Aleisk’s maternity clinic. The new born baby’s weight happens to be the biggest on the nation’s record till date. Despite such a heavy weight the childbirth was pretty normal and both the mother and baby are said to be fine. But not to take any chances the duo was later shifted to a maternity hospital in Barnaul to provide them with better aid.

The baby’s parents Khalina and her husband are not very tall and wealthy. The couple with eight daughters and three sons had their each child weighing more than 5 kgs at birth. During her pregnancy Khalina just had to do with potatoes, noodles and tomatoes as the family could not afford special food. The newborn’s father is on contract with a local military unit and provides the family with only the modest means.

The local social services has given a washing machine, a food package and a card to the record setting family with an assurance of helping them in near future.

The Guinness World Records mentions the healthiest baby boy of 10.2 kg (22.8-pound) born in Italy in 1955. United States too has a record in Guinness World Records of a baby boy weighing 23.12 pounds at birth in 1879, but sadly he passed away just 11 hours after the birth.

Russia’s population density is just 9 persons per square kilometer (22 per sq. mi.). Such less population makes it the most scantily populated countries in the world.


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