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How to Get Rid of Spots

Acne or Acne Vulgaris is one of the most common skin ailments among teenagers and adults. It occurs as pimples, blackheads, whiteheads and pinules (pinheads). It is classified as a severe inflammatory disease. Acne scars or blemishes are formed as part of the skin’s healing process. It is observed that more the inflammation, more are the chances of it to form scars. The urge to scratch the irritating skin also results in scars. This worsens the inflammation by spreading the infection to other tissue. There are various treatments available to get rid of acne scars or spots. Here are some of the options that you can consider to reduce the appearance of spots.

Complexity Level: Moderate

Time Required: Couple of days to couple of weeks

Resources Required:

1. Acne spot removal cream
2. Herbal products


1. Treat your skin gently

An inflamed skin requires gentle treatment. It means, you should talk to your dermatologist on the usage of soaps, cosmetics and detergents on your skin. Harsh soaps can further damage your skin thus increasing the chances of acne scars. Use gentle soaps and cleansers which will reduce the irritation on your skin. There are soaps made of herbal ingredients which soothe and heal your skin.

2. Home remedies for acne scars

There is no dearth of home remedies to treat your skin problem right at home. Few of them are –

  • Aloe Vera gel: This multipurpose gel works gently and does wonders to your skin. The ingredients of the gel actively remove the toxins and the dead cells of the skin and help in rejuvenation.
  • Potatoes: Rubbing raw potato slices on the scarred skin is known to lessen scarring. The antioxidants and the minerals present in potatoes make it quite effective to wipe out the scars.
  • Coconut oil: Using virgin coconut oil as moisturizer not only cleanses the skin but also helps in skin restoration. Use it with camphor powder to reduce pigmentation.
  • Fruit facial: Fruit acids and enzymes in papaya, pineapple, watermelon etc. are known to be effective in treating acne marks.
  • Oatmeal face pack: Mix oatmeal with rose water, milk and pure sandalwood powder. Each of these ingredients are known for their healing properties which help in expelling toxins and revitalize the skin in a beautiful way.

3. Skin treatments

Apart from the humble home remedies, you can also consider the option of skin treatments if the scars are severe. You should visit your dermatologist for guidelines before deciding on a skin treatment.

  • Facial and skin pigmentation: This treatment includes the use of laser and chemical peels. This is quite effective in treating severe acne scars.
  • Antibiotics: Antibiotic creams can be used in extreme cases of scarring.
  • Retinoids: These are chemical compounds used typically to promote the growth of cells. Retinoid creams can also be applied topically to lessen skin irritation and growth of skin.
  • Microdermabrasion: Microdermabrasion is one of the effective ways to reduce the ugly scars on the skin. This process involves gentle removal of the top layer of skin. Once the top layer is removed, the body metabolism kicks in to produce a fresh layer of skin. Depending on the depth of the scar, you may have to use this treatment several times to reduce the scars completely.

Frequently Asked Questions:

What causes brown spots?

Brown spots result due to excess skin exposure to the sun. This causes excess melanin production thus forming dark brown spots.

Quick Tips:

  1. Drink plenty of water. It flushes out toxins and is very vital for cell growth.
  2. People with oily skin should avoid oil-based make up. Use oil-free moisturizer and cleansers.

Things To Watch Out For:

  1. Exposure to harsh rays of the sun can harm your skin and its scars. Protect your skin with sun screen cream when stepping out in the sun.
  2. Do not pluck or squeeze the pimple. This will further increase inflammation causing deep scars.
  3. Check with your dermatologist before using any over the counter acne creams or medicines.

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