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How to Get Rid of Belly Fat

How many times you have envied the flat stomach models that appear in your TV very often? But, there are certain jobs that force you to sit throughout the day in front of a computer and as a result most of you might have been frustrated with the rising belly problems. Belly problem does not pop up only because of sedentary lifestyle but many factors. Well, don’t worry. There are many solutions that can help you get rid of that unappealing belly fat, if followed in a proper manner. Here’re some instructions and tips to assist you reduce the extra fat in your stomach. Read on.

Complexity Level: Moderate

Time Required: 15 days for visible result


1. Right eating habit

  • Try to avoid junk food and concentrate more on fresh fruits and vegetables.
  • Drink a glass of warm water with 1 tbsp of honey and few drops of lemon juices in your empty stomach in the morning. It acts as a natural cleanser of your digestive tract.
  • Never skip your breakfast. Eat a very heavy breakfast that includes fruits, milk and cereal. Make sure to include one servings of calcium, one servings of carbohydrate and one servings of fruits in your breakfast everyday.
  • Avoid stored and frozen foods. Most of those foods contain unhealthy additives and preservatives that will increase your waistline.
  • After every meal drink one glass of water and divide your meals into small portions. This helps you to avoid big and heavy meals.
  • Try to eat grains and fiber rich food as they help in burning visceral and deep layer fat of your body.
  • Make sure to finish your dinner by 7 pm in the evening. Eat very light dinner and in case you feel hungry during bed time, consume any fruit.
  • Avoid white rice and adopt brown rice and whole grain breads. Include yogurt and apple in your snacks.

2. Include workout in your daily routine

  • Once you start increasing your body weight and waistline along with a proper diet you need to concentrate on workout. It is often recommended by the physicians that daily workout helps burning your unnecessary body fats and also supports a good blood sugar level.
  • Walking, running, aerobics etc. are the exercise that help you to burn your belly fat very quickly. Morning exercise is always very effective as you have a high energy level that time.
  • In case you do not have time in the morning make sure to attempt it in the evening.
  • Use staircase and avoid elevators. Consult a gym trainer about abdominal exercise. Often resistance training with cardiovascular exercise shows very effective results in losing belly fat.

3. Cut down in alcohol and other sugary intake

  • It is mandatory to have certain changes in your lifestyle. Avoid any alcoholic drinks and stop drinking beer. There are substantial amount of calories in beers that increase belly fat and also add bad cholesterol in your blood.
  • Also, canned juices and flavored drinks that you generally buy from supermarkets contain high level of sugar which supply unwanted fat to your body. So, avoid them.
  • Increase the habit of drinking water, home made juices and coconut water. They work as natural cleansers and help removing the unhealthy toxic waste by cleaning your digestive track.

Frequently Asked Questions:

I work for an IT company and my nature of job demand sitting for a long time before computer. I am gaining weight and belly fat. Help.

This is a common problem in recent years. There are lots of diet plan available and you can also consult a dietician about your daily intake. Try to cut in your calorie consumption and eat more fruits and vegetables. Switch over to plain popcorn rather then buttery one. Indulge yourself in daily workout. Check on power yoga. Never sit for a longer time. Take a break and every 30 minutes and go for a light walk. Drink lots of water and herbal tea. Avoid eating junk foods and carry lunch from home. There are certain sitting exercises that you can even try while you are working that will help you to eliminate your belly fat problem.

Quick Tips:

1. Drink a glass of warm water in the morning with a tbsp of honey and few lemon juice drops. It helps burning fat quickly. Drink warm water after every meal. It helps in digestion and also helps burning calories.

2. Include salads in your daily meal. It ensures a proper fibre intake.

3. Do tai-chi and karate exercise as they help reduce belly fat very fast.

4. Include apple and yogurt in your snacks as they help burning belly fat very easily.

Things To Watch Out For:

1. Before starting any diet plans, always consult your dietician or physician. It should not have an adverse effect.

2. Reducing belly fat will require some time, so never expect any magic.

3. Allow your body to adopt the changes you are introducing. So, be patient in following a particular diet plan or any lifestyle changes.

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