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Research shows blood clots occur outside hospitals


Most people are happy and satisfied after the operation is over. But, few realize that blood clots are the aftermath of the operation.The researchers at the McMaster University in tandem with Monash University recently discovered from statistical data that, only a few people receive treatments for blood clots from happening. Also, blood starts clotting while outside the hospital.

The McMaster University medical researchers studied records of about 1,897 inpatients. All these subjects had venous thromboembolism. This is a condition where, blood clot can travel through lungs or they affect the vein areas. I am rather shocked to hear that blood clots can travel through lungs.

In a different study, yet another group of researchers from the Monash University and Alfred hospital in Melbourne Australia, scanned through and compared stats. These numbers were mostly related to patients who received no anti clotting treatment whatsoever. Part of this study also involved comparing one anti clotting drug with the other.

Facts and stats:

After monitoring these patients, it seems like about 80% of the blood clot takes place outside the hospital. Only a few patients sought medical help regarding this matter before they were released. Less than 60% were offered therapy. About 45% patients received anti clotting treatment. The researchers conducted about 36 studies roughly. Part of the reason why the patients don’t develop clotting when in treatment, is the monitored prophylactic anticoagulation treatment.

The Conclusion:

All the facts and figures point to one thing. Most of the blood clotting takes place outside the hospital. Routine prophylactic anticoagulation treatment can help prevent blood clots. Therapy can reduce the agony caused by the deep vein clotting and the related issues.

Image Credit: CNN

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