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Now Molecular Condom to fight HIV/AIDS!

All we know is that researchers are fully determined to hold back the spread of deadly HIV/AIDS and in their fight against deadly HIV/AIDS, researchers have developed a vaginal gel that releases an antiviral drug when exposed to semen, thus destroys the virus before it penetrates deep into our body.

Researchers are hoping that this vaginal gel named as ‘molecular condom’ would be far more effective as an anti-HIV drug. The following words of bioengineer Patrick Kiser of the University of Utah well represent the hopefulness of these researchers about this ‘molecular condom’. He says, ‘What we hope is that by attacking the virus in semen, we can inactivate it before it has any chance of permeating the tissue.’

But this study is yet unpolished and researchers are trying to find out that how far using this ‘molecular condom’ or vaginal gel is safe. Moreover, they are tying to make sure that using this vaginal gel would not result in side effects.

We must hope that this vaginal gel or ‘molecular condom’ comes out sans any side effects. Since, this vaginal gel may prove an efficient tool in curbing the spread of deadly HIV/AIDS that would give our fight against HIV/AIDS an extra boost to move on.

Via: Sciam

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