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Infertility strikes men too, the way it strikes women

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Failure to conceive often brings inundation of melancholy in the lives of women, but the way it affects men has often remained a topic less talked about. However, a new study comes up; bringing to light, the way infertility affects men.

During the course of study, British researchers tracked a group of around 256 men, which contained such couples that had no children either together or from previous relationships. Most of these men were in their mid-30s and having married life of eight years, averagely. These men were further divided into four groups: male infertility, female infertility, unexplained infertility or mixed. These men passed through a questionnaire 2 times; first before undergoing treatment and after 12 months of treatment.

Finally, experts concluded that among men with infertility, marital stress, physical stress and social stress heightened up overtime. In addition, mental health also decreased startlingly. Exposing this fact, more effectively lead researchers Laura Peronace, from Cardiff University stated:

Infertile people appear to rely particularly on their social environment for support, and this seems to deteriorate over time. Couples should be made aware of the possible decline in their social support network and encouraged to organize support systems that do not solely include close friends and family.

These facts, clearly indicate that infertility strikes not only women but men as well, playing havoc with their mental as well physical health.


Via: Health Central

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