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Increase your fluid intake and lose weight

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Want to lose weight? Drink lots of fluids. Gewicht im Griff released a manual which states that drinking at least two litres of fluids could help people lose weight successfully. Drinking fluids also spurs metabolism flushes out the impurities thereby improving skin tone.

Most people are likely to give up on the two-litre/day pretty quickly as they find it boring. Such people could make fluids interesting by adding herbs, a dash of lime or in the form of fruit juice and remember not to add sugar to these drinks as it beats the very purpose of drinking fluids.

For those of you who find it difficult to reach for the bottle, learning to feel thirsty is the key. Keep a bottle of water or any fluids within your arms reach and keep sipping at regular intervals; scheduled drinking of water over a period of time will make your body long for water automatically.

Coffee and tea should also be restricted to two-three cups a day. Go for the bottle (only non-alcoholic) but also remember to eat healthy and exercise if you want your weigh loss program to be successful.

Hey, wait before you rejoice and bring in drinks from your bar; Beer, alcohol and soft drinks are not to be counted in the group of fluids that you could consume in unlimited quantities.



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