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Hypertension hits sleep-deprived women harder than men!

sleep deprived woman

When it comes to the risk of hypertension due to sleep-deprivation women are hit harder than men, claims a new study that included around 6,592 participants, having around 4,000 men and 1,500 women.

Interestingly, good news for men is that sleep deprivation didn’t prove much harmful for sleep-deprived men when they were compared with men enjoying sufficient sleep of 7 to 8 hours.

However, what makes sleep-deprived women more prone to hypertension is still an intricate issue for researchers to hatch. Moreover, it airs the concerns, regarding women health in particular (because according to an estimate, women are comparatively more sleep deprived than men) and about hypertension issue in general because sleep-deprivation has been linked to several health risks also, for instance:

Stress and sleeplessness can damage memory

Sleep deprivation stops growth of new memory cells

Insufficient sleep: An invitation to heart problems

Sleep problems may lead to high blood pressure in kids!

Poor sleep may be linked to depression



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