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Human Collagen Can Now Be Made In The Lab! Scientists Claim

The most important structural protein in the body is collagen and nothing in our body is more ubiquitous than it. It reinforces connective tissue, bones and teeth, and forms long, fibrous cables to strengthen tendons. Collagen from animals — principally cows — is used to rebuild tissue destroyed by burns and wounds. It is also employed in plastic surgery to augment the lips and cheeks of starlets and others seeking perpetual youth.

Now a team of scientists from the University of Wisconsin-Madison reports the discovery of a method for making human collagen in the lab! Yeah, in the lab. They have written it this week (Feb. 13, 2006) in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS).

This work opens a door to producing a material that can be broadly used in medicine. It also replaces animal products that are now used but, that can also harbor pathogens or spark undesirable immune responses.

Via: Science Daily

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